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Welcome to the home of the Heartland Award of Excellence!!!

Welcome to the home of the Heartland Award of Excellence!

The Heartland Community Leaders would like to honor those people who take the time to keep their pages in tip-top shape! Award of Excellence sites are those sites that contain interesting content, quality layout and design, as well as being viewable for all audiences (i.e. family friendly sites). Any site that contains information on hate, porn, or illegal activities will be disqualified.

Pages submitted will be voted on by a panel of Heartland Community Leaders. Winners will be featured on this page. Do you want to know what exactly it is that we're looking for? Check out our tips for submission.

Winners will be announced on Tuesday. If you don't win, you may apply again in 30 days. If you reapply before that time, your site will be disqualified until eligible.

The winner for the week of July 17-21 is

Laura's Keepsake

The varied interests, delights, thoughts and creations of a very talented free spriit, who says she is "just a woman, mother, grandmother and enjoys life.

Winners Archive

Heartland Award of Excellence Application:

Your Name:

Your Email:

Nominated site's author:

Is this: your page?
someone else's page?

Nominated Site URL (include http://):

Nominated Site Title:

Nominee's email address:

Please send us a short description of your site, and what makes it special!

Does this site conform to ALL of the above listed guidelines

Have you knowingly submitted any portion of this site for consideration in the last 30 days?

If the form does not work, please Email your submission. Thank you!

Information collected from entries in this contest will be used by the Heartland Award of Excellence Committee solely for the purposes of conducting this contest, awarding of prizes, and announcing the winners of those prizes. You must be 13 years of age or older to be eligible for this contest.

This contest is sponsored solely by the Heartland Award of Excellence Committee. GeoCities is not a sponsor of this contest and is not involved with the administration of the contest or the awarding of prizes pursuant to the contest rules listed here. If you have any questions, please contact

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Heartland Award of Excellence.

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