Kellie and Corky's Cabin in the Meadows

Cabin in the Meadows

Come on inside!

Diary updated April 11, 1998

A little of this
and some of that
A warm cozy place
to place your hat

All are welcome in our home
Whether you wander or roam
There'll always be a place here
To make you smile and add some cheer

Many thanks to Geocities for this wonderful Award!!
Corky and I are very honored to have received this!!
Special thanks to our wonderful Community Leader
Roxan, for nominating our site! :)

We have added many new pages!
Please be sure to check them out!

Truly, Madly, Deeply

By: Savage Garden

As of May 30,1997
You are visitor # But you'll always be #1 to us!

Family-Friendly Site

Updated May 2, 1999

Cabin in the Meadows design and graphics copyright© 1997-1999 Kellie & Corky