

Long ago, as I grew up our family was blessed by knowing a wonderful lady by the name of Hazel. She lived next door to us with her husband, three daughters and son. She wasindeed a remarkably strong lady. My mother was with Hazel as she passed on to Heaven and actually reached out to Jesus to take her hand and lead her home. It was a moment that forever touched my mother's life. Cancer was the reason this lady had to leave her young family. And now, her youngest daughter, Becky, who is a lifelong friend
of my sister and myself, is faced with battling this disease. I know in my heart that she is going to beat this as she is responding so well to treatment but she needs a little extra help.Becky is married to one of the most caring of men I've ever had the good fortune to meet; a kind, gentle man who loves his family deeply. Stan and Becky are blessed with one child, a beautiful daughter, Stacey.       Angels have always been a collectors item in their home and now I ask of all the angels I have had the good fortune to meet on the internet to send up a daily prayer for Becky that she may be able to conquer this disease that claimed her mother's life. I BELIEVE IN PRAYER and ask you take a moment when you speak to God tonight to ask him to restore Becky's health that she may venture on down life's highway with her family. Like her mother, she too is a remarkably strong lady but a lady that needs your prayers. Take a moment tonight  to ask God to send his healing powers down on Becky.

This page deals with life, hope and friendship. A good friend I have made on
the internet has a little saying that follows her everywhere she goes; it's a saying
I'm borrowing from Charlene, that fits this page perfectly.
"Make new friends but keep the old
One is silver, the other is gold."

There are others who need our prayers. Please keep them on your prayer list.  (If you know of someone who needs to be included on this list, please
let us know.)

Josh Fry is a first grade child in Tennessee who has recently been
diagnosed with cancer.  Please
pray for him and his family as he undergoes
massive doses of chemotherapy.


Please Pray for Carol and her family

Devon is a 5 yr. old little boy that had a brain surgery Please stop by his page
and send him some flowers or a card.
There are links provided there to do that
Wishes For Devon

Wishes For Lindsey
Lindsey is a 3 year old girl that has Downs Syndrome and Leukemia. You can find out more about Lindsey and send her e-mail from the above link.

The story of the abduction of this little boy is near and dear to my heart. I moved to the town it happened in shortly after his abduction. The towns folk literally covered the town with yellow ribbons and candles in the windows. Jacob or his abductors have never been found.

Kathryn has wonderful prayer pages in addition to a Garden where those who have gone on with their angels may rest.

Please pray for beautiful little
She needs our prayers now more than ever

This beautiful baby is need of our prayers.
Baby Rachel

Please pray for Jonathan TODAY.  He needs our
immediate prayers.

Bette is a sister of ours at Divas of the Net.  Her son-in-low Gary,
now hospitalized with a heart condition is having to decide
if he will consent to a heart transplant.  Pray for him in his
illness and in making this  hard decision.

Please send your prayer request to us today here

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This page created by S  Walsh, Webmaster on  5/17/1997
Backgrounds, poetry and writings were all done by myself and
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