By: Douglas Spotted Eagle

The Content On This Page Is By:
Douglas Spotted Eagle
Content Source Is "Douglas Spotted Eagle Cassette Tape"
SOAR*P.O. Box 8606*Albuquerque, N.M. 87198

"Come my son. I have something to share with you. In the Indian way you have been chosen to carry the flute. You must teach love, kindness, and spiritual understanding to all people. You are a special person. You now have a responsibility to our people, to yourself, and to others. You must carry the flute with you at all times, and play your songs so that all may feel the same joy in their hearts that we feel in ours. Now go, my son, and share the love that is carved into your red cedar flute. Lila wo waste laka (love is good)."

"No sound is more sacred to the human ear than the laughing voices of children, teach them well my son."

"Apache, Sioux, Shoshone, Choctaw, Navajo, Cherokee, Hopi, Cheyenne, Osage, Cree, Ute, Iroquoise, Blackfoot, Seminole, Arapaho, Paiute, All native people & people of all nations we must all walk as one."

"You've learned well my son. Now take your flute and go out into the world and teach people of all nations that peace starts with love and must come from the heart. Mere words are not enough. Be brave, be humble, and above all, be a good teacher so that future generations might enjoy the beauty of living in harmony with one another. Now go, there is much to be done."

I have listened to these words hundreds of times. Absorbing the truth and peace that Douglas Spotted Eagle teaches. I pray you also will learn from these words and be as the flute boy teaching by example & love so that all may enjoy living in harmony.
I express my deepest gratitude to Douglas Spotted Eagle.
RaNae Bangerter

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