From: N. Shannon
7055 Marquette
St. Louis
Miss Jean O'Brien
T.B. Hospital
Oak Forest, Ill.
St. Louis
6 a.m.
Nov. 26, 1919
Dear Sug:
Rec'd your letter & glad to hear
you are feeling better you had better be careful about washing your head
this cold weather we have been having fine weather here untill last night
it started raining & sleeting & turned awful cold. Sug I phoned
down town for a bath robe for you & they sent it out but I wouldn't
have it so I sent it back & I will go down myself Fri or Sat. as Tom
is going to be off till Monday. You know Loretta Tom's cousin is going
to be married this evening & I guess we will go if it is not too wintry
Tom bought her a nice carving set she is going to have a big wedding &
I guess she will get a lot of nice presents. Well Sug how do you like the
hospital by now & do you feel much better I had a letter from Kate
& she said you wanted some jelly you know I never made any jelly this
year but I am going to try to get you some Tine called me up last nicht
(you know I got my phone at last)& said she was going to fix you a
box this morning. Sug did you get the slippers I sent & do you like
them I thought they would be nice to slep on when you get up & you
ccan look for the robe in a few days
Yes Sug the gang stell comes in as
regular as ever I wish you were here now I have punch-board & a turkey-punch
board & such an uproar you never heard they would drive you mad Elmer
wants to have people in to clean up the Turkey-board he thinks he
is going to have a Turkey for tomorrow. the slot machineaint in it with
this noise Yellow was in this morning he goes in on the 6:00 train &
you can hear him 2 blocks away hollering Shannigan we don't be up half
the time when he comes across the track shouting we don't get up until
a quarter to six it sure is a whole lot differint now since we are up here.
Papa bought a new wall case for $40 the other day it sure is nice Well
Sug I guess Mayme will be going up now real soon & might get a chance
to come around xmas. you said I ought to hop in behind you if you only
knew how I would like to I wish I could lay down & sleet for a week
with nothing to bother about. I am getting as fat as a pig. I was down
home the other evening & went to the Grand they are all getting along
fine down there poor old Wilhelm wnet home. he says she wants to sell out
& come here to live she wants to get a place out here in Lindenwood
Well Sug I guess this is all for this time is it near eight now & I
have to get the kid ready for school ans. soon & don't wait for me
to write, just write as often as you can hope you have a nice Thanksgiving.
here is a dollar get something to eat with it & if you want anything
don't hesitate to ask for it. Good bye for this time.