Family Photos

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The following pictures may load slowly, so please be patient. I hope to have an index up soon!

Samuel Noah Farthing

Email Carol Huesgen for a list of who's who in the photo.

List of names for identified people in this picture: John Wooters Farthing, Parenia (Huff) Farthing, Frank Meeker, Grace (Farthing) Meeker, William Dudley Farthing, Richard Coleman Farthing, Helen (Farris) Farthing, Martha Elizabeth (Farthing) Richason, Casey Hamilton Farthing, Sarah B. (Phillips) Farthing, Andrew McClelland, Lucnetia J. (Wooters) McClelland, Carl Richason, Glen Richason, Casey "Keith" Richason, Elizabeth W. (Richason) Shannon.

If you can identify some of the unknowns in this picture please

email Carol Huesgen

Andrew McClelland, Lou (Wooters) McClelland (Lizzie's sister), and Hallie McClelland

Thomas Shirley Wooters

He is Nancey Wooter's half brother

Keith, Glenn, and Carl Richason

Picture taken: May 6, 1910

On back of card:

To: Mr. H. C. Farthing, Odin, Ill.

"All well. Grace went to St. Louis this morning.



Page 1 of the pictures

Page 3 of the pictures

Cici's Folly

Cherry Stone Creek

My thanks to for space for my web pages