The German Shepherd Dog Ring
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My Hobbies and Interests

Well my interest and hobbies varies alot.  One of my favorite hobbies is plants.  I will be continuously adding information about plants.  Another one of my favorite interest is German shepherd dogs { Anna  and  Kimmy } and of course I also have a mixed breed dog  { Sophie} who  has turned out to be one of my best dogs.  I like to bowl, IRC, spend time with my children, {which is a full time job in itself}and keep busy as much as possible.

    The German Shepherd Dog:
        This is the part where I get to talk a little about the breed that I have grown to love,
respect and learn from.
        Have you ever wondered why so many own a German Shepherd dog and why so many fear this breed at the same time.  German shepherds possess intelligence and courage along with being a very loyal friend and a protector of their master and domain.
        This is a quote from the Deutsches Schaferhunde {Standard}  It is said that:
    "The German Shepherd dog should possess firmness of nerves, attentiveness, serene nature, watchfulness, loyalty and incorruptibility, in addition to courage, fighting spirit, and aggressiveness when required.  These traits make him/her outstanding as a working dog in general, and in particular as a watchdog, guide dog, protection, tracking dog."
        The German Shepherd became know as a breed back in April of 1899.  Captain Max Von Stephanitz was know as the "Father of German Shepherd dogs."  Through careful selective breeding as well as inbreeding, he has molded a mass of herding dogs in Germany into uniform, beautiful, intelligent, and useful breed we know as the German Shepherd dog today.  Max demanded his dogs to have utility and intelligence within the breed.
        Below is a couple of links to pictures of the breed and also I have another section about the Florida K-9 Association.  I hope you will enjoy the pictures as well as the information about the German Shepherd dog as well as the association that I belong to.
Garlo's home page


This is to Both kieron, Bugged and Pike:
        This is a special thanks for all the help that both of you have done while I've been building my web page.  Thanks kieron for helping with some of my broken links.  Special thanks to Bugs who has not only had {BIG TIME} patience with me, considering I know absolutely nothing about html, but for helping with my main page title, and for all the help and time he has spent with me getting my pages uploaded and connected.  Thanks To Both of you for being there, and for taking the time to help me, when I know you probably had better things to do. Thanks to Pike I have learned how to make banners with Corel Photo Paint...Lots of Paitence did he have in helping me. Thanks Hun!!  Again.... Thank you!!!!!  I owe You one Big Time! :)

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Last Updated May, 1999  by ^Shumardi

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