As a mother of children who were sexually abused, I know how alone a person can feel. Back when my daughters were going through it, the subject was one that didn't get talked about. There were no warnings about "good touch, bad touch" or where to go for help. The non-abusive parent kept a lot of what happened inside, blaming herself/himself because she/he didn't catch it soon enough. There were no real books to read or people to call for help. Years of guilt would be carried on the parent's shoulders unneccesarilly.
Today, thankfully, this is not so. There are so many resources to go to, books to read, etc. Below is a list of just a small portion of what is available for victims and their families. They are not offered as a cure all, but just as a place to go for help and advise.
I have received several e-mails from men who have informed me that they were also victims of sexual abuse. Therefore, I have offered some links for them also.
If you have not finished reading my story, please come back and read it when you are done. Also, if you have not signed my guest book, please do so. God bless you.
Cheyo1s' Site on Child Sex Abuse
Mastering Lifes Ministries - Resource List
Bibliography for Men of Sexual Abuse
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