Check Out These Links

"Whoever would love life and see good days must keep his tongue from evil and his lips from deceitful speech. He must turn from evil and do good; he must seek peace and pursue it. For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their prayer, but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil." Who is going to harm you if you are eager to do good? 1 Peter 3:10-13

Check Out These Links

Friends & Family
Sk8r4Him's Home Page (My son)
Soul Rocker's HomePage (My other son)
Sandra Dee's Home Page (My daughter)
Karen & Gary's Home Page
Sheller's Home Page (My Cyber-daughter)
Piru's Page (My Cyber-son)
Beadchaser's Home Page (Lots of craft link sites here!)
Welcome To Tigger's Howse (My friend Jo's page)
Snoopy 7's Page (My friend Sharon's page)
Zach & Teresa's Place (Award winning site!)
Seven's Home Page (More cool links)
NotEye's Rest Stop
A Christian Website For Kids
Mercy in Jesus (Just a little page glorifying Jesus)
Annie's Homepage (Some awesome graphics and Bible links!)
Nflite's Homepage
Prayer Warriors Page
Behind the Badge of a Deputy Sheriff

Christian Links
Home Page of My Church, VCFNP
The Official Oswald Chambers' Devotional Site
Gospel Communications Network
The Association of Vineyard Churches
Morning Star Publications and Ministries
The Christian Center
Under Grace (Aprox. 100 links to other Christian Sites)
Benny Hinn Media Ministries
Harvest Ministries
New Song's Praise & Worship Midi Site
JAMSLINE Biography Index
Good, Clean, Fun Humor
Religion Chat/Christianity Chat
Animated Christian Graphics
Focus On The Family
Essential Christian Links (Lots of links to Christian sites)
Mars Hill Fellowship of Seattle, WA.
His Website Ministries
Evangelical Outreach
End Time Ministries
And He Will Give You Rest
Dianne West-Gardner's homepage
Paraclete Online
Fish Net
Your link here!
Your link here!
Your link here!

Special Links
The Divorce Page
Crisis, Grief and Healing
Hearing Exchange
Cheyo1s' Site on Child Sex Abuse
Mastering Lifes Ministries - Resource Lists
Helping Hand Pregnancy Center
Sexual Offense Recovery Online
Kids Help Line
Bibliography for Men of Sexual Abuse
Birthright of Saint Mary's
Dealing With Grief (My own thoughts and experiences that helped me)
SANDS(Vic) - non-profit support agency providing support for grieving parents who have lost a child through stillbirth or neonatal death
Rainbows - offers peer support to children, adolescents and adults grieving a death
Your link here
Your link here

Images by Media Links
Paint Shop Pro
Home page of Donna Marsh (Awesome Graphics!)
Rose's Graphics and Logos
Pegasus Realm - Backgrounds, Borders and more
Blue Mountain Art Animated Greeting Cards

If you have a web page you'd like to link on to this page, send me an e-mail with all the information.

Also, if you know of some really neat web sites you'd like

to see added here, let me know. I'm always looking for some more links to add to this page.

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Last updated Sept. 19, 1997

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