Bendors African Bungalow

Awards - Page One 

The First Award my original page received arrived out of the blue without entering any competition.

I was very surprised and pleased with it and to this day am not really sure what is was for.

The second one was not an award as such. I stumbled across a competition being conducted by Sanlam ( an assurance company here in South Africa) and I was allowed to download and install "an award" for being an entrant.

I came within the first 17 places or so in the category I entered. I was really pleased with myself as I put all the linked pages together in about 3 hours and made the deadline with about 5 minutes to spare. It was also my very first attempt in a competition.

May 1999

Awarded According to the following criteria.:

1. No Business Sites. Personal Pages Only.

2. Your site must get my attention. You have to impress me.
3. Good readable text.

4. Good graphics.

5. I don't like, "File Not Found", please make sure all links work.

6. No abusive language or pornography.

7. Must be suitable for all ages.

8. Site must be in English. Sorry but that is the only language I know.
Superfoxme Award
Winners Page

Your site review has been completed.
Sites are judged based upon overall appearance, speed, navigation, use of
technology and quality of content. We also take into consideration the amount of
time and effort that goes into developing a web site and like to award your efforts.

We found your site to offer our
Internet community a great service.

Again, Congratulations.

May 1999

June 1999

Great homepage.  I really enjoyed my visit !!!
Thanks for inviting me to see your page.
Have a great day!  Keep up the great work!
Tyler and his mommy

June 1999

I truely enjoyed your site, and while you
asked for the golden home award, and although your
site is completely family oriented, I feel it's
deserving of the
Golden Rose Award.
It's refreshing
to hear of such a happy and close knit family, and
particularly refreshing to see it on a web page.

You have a beautiful family, and the twins
are adorable!

Dhari Blythestone

June 1999

June 1999

Very nice page.

I think I visited it once before a while back,
before I designed my awards.
I had lost the link then.

I am glad you resent it to me.

I am honored to offer you the

Pearls of the Web Award.



June 1999

Keith, I enjoyed your page very much and I also surfed through your
families pages as well.

Thank you for visiting my site and I sure hope you signed the guestbook.
Will have to go and check that out now!


Congradulations and you have a happy and safe day!


9 June 1999

My awards only go to sites I've
enjoyed visiting and found to be
above average in design, content
and entertainment.  Your awards
are customized to what I found in
your site that impressed me

.My first Poetry Award
8 June 1999 07:39

Upon reviewing your poetry pages, I found rare talent and truly hope you keep on writing.  I did travel to the rest of your site and am presenting you with this award for your poetry pages.

Two other very worthwhile links given to me by Stitches.

"The Hands of Time"
Calgary Chronic Pain Support Society

"I hope this does not cost me future awards"
7 June 1999
The Strutting Frog Award
I applied for this award and never received it!. In terms of absolute honesty and fairness, two fundemental principles to which I subscribe I want to publish their open and honest feed back and my response to them. The following is the actual text received from them.
I just wanted to let you know we had 'hopped on by'.
When a site doesn't get the award we like to let 'em
know why. It's not fair to leave you in the dark!
The first thing anyone sees of your web page is what shows up in the browser window.  The first thing you say is that this page is much faster than your old one. This tells a new visitor like me that your old page was not nearly as good (Is this what you really want to tell new visitors?). Your past visitors will see that this is faster - and your new visitors don't really need to know this! You ask people to turn on their sound to fully enjoy the page - but you give no hint as to why they would want to do this. This request is not bad as a whole - but a new visitor has no idea of what your page has to offer and audio input is not very interesting when you have no idea what you are missing. Asking people to bookmark your page is cool - but only when they know what it is they are asked to bookmark.  If I asked you to bookmark my page after offering you next to no information on it - would you? I wouldn't, and I didn't. There is something here for everyone. See the links below. This is a broad statement - and you can't really offer information that is interesting to everyone. Some people seek child pornography or bomb making instructions - you don't WANT to offer something for everyone. The guest book request is nice - but out of place. Do you want people to sign your guest book before they view your page? It makes it kind of meaningless don't you think? Your family web pages are excellent! Your pages are easy to navigate and are both interesting and endearing. Offering a PO box for mail is quite intelligent and I applaud you for getting one. On the net it is the safest way to go.Your poetry is wonderful. I enjoyed every one! Your old home page is an interesting display of your web design improvement - but is there really a point to it? Your new page is a vast improvement. Your family photos are nice - but this is not what your page offers. You offer many links to great pages - but I don't really want to see what pages you like; I want to see what you have to say. If you are seeking visitors from family and friends - your page is just fine. Not a Strutting Frog Page - but a nice family page just the same. If you are seeking visitors other than family and friends you will need to make a few changes to make your page interesting. Generic Joe doesn't want to know about your family - he/she wants to know about your personal web content and information. Anyone can link to web pages about travel information in their area - if you would offer a bit of personal insight about this information it would be useful and interesting. You have excellent poems. Why not feature your own writing? Many people write about their families - but few offer poetry. You have something unusual and unique to offer your visitors. People can find links everywhere. Make your poetry available in the start of your page - and don't offer people the world - just yourself. I think you will gain more faithful page visits this way.
Mary Benlan
Home of the Strutting Frog Award

My response to Mary Benlan
Home of The Strutting Fox Award
"Hello Mary,
At first I thought who the hell are you to say some of the things you said about my page. I suppose I was really disappointed about not receiving the award after I had received others with relative ease. Then I thought, damn you I will get a Strutting Fox Award, even if I die in the process. The Strutting Fox Award will appear on this page some time in the future. Thank you for your honest feedback it has made me look at my site through someone elses eyes. I really value all the other awards my page has received ( and feel that those who awarded them to me did so because I met their criteria and deserved them). I am determined to place The Strutting Frog Award on my page - so keep an eye out for
being submitted again after some serious panel beating, at a future date, for reconsideration. Please let me know if you are prepared to reconsider at a later stage. If you would like to give me some more critique on my page just sock it to me. I can take it now that I have recovered and composed myself.
Kind Regards
p.s. Thanks for your encouraging words
about my
poetry !"

Awards: Page 2 § Page 3

Keep watching this space and let me know what you think of my page.
Please also let me know of any competitions I can enter or awards you think I may qualify for..

Please sign and view my guestbook.

Home / Keith / Marlene / Ashleigh / Samantha / Poetry / Awards / Old Home Page

Photographs : Keith / Marlene / Ashleigh / Samantha / Twins / Wedding

© JKAH April 1999 - All rights reserved

JKAH Is a member of The HTML Writers Guild