Bendors African Bungalow

Awards - Page Two 

I just got back from visiting your site and I had a wonderful time going through your many pages. You have done a wonderful job putting everything together. So, I have attached my "Great Web Site" award here for you.

  I hope that you enjoy the award and keep up the outstanding work. I will definalty return. ~Melanie~
Winners of Melanie's Awards.

Very nice site Keith. We really liked the background of your site and the music. Thanks for the free stuff links, we found a couple of things we were looking for. We will be revisiting your site, that's for sure.

Best regards,

Webmaster - Omega Web Design

Omega Web Design:
Winners Page

7 June 1999
Great site mate keep up thee great work.
Yours in peace,
Dragon Master

    I am glad to award you thee Dragon Master's Web design award.

Winners of this award.

6 June 1999

you have been awarded the
"Gems' 5 Star Award Of Excellence"
for an excellent Website.

Other Winners of this award

Friendship and Fun Award

Awarded 6 June 1999

7 June 1999
Hi Keith!
What a nice, warm page you have.  I especially enjoyed your poems, you have a great talent.   Cant wait to read the next batch!!!

Winners of the Award

7 June 1999
Hello Keith, You have a very nice family site. Your twins are gorgeous. I appreciate the fact that you put up a page with pictures and information on where you lived. That was a nice touch. Keep up the great work.

June !999 Winner

Between June 1 thru June 6, 1999 7:30 p.m. central time, there have been 25 applications for Mesweet's Awards  with 17 sites being winners.

Awards: Page 1 § Page 3

Keep watching this space and let me know what you think of my page.
Please also let me know of any competitions I can enter or awards you think I may qualify for..

Please sign and view my guestbook.

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Photographs : Keith / Marlene / Ashleigh / Samantha / Twins / Wedding

© JKAH April 1999 - All rights reserved

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