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Tank Size: 180 gallons (72" x 24" x 24")
Filters: 2 Magnum 350s' canister, 1 fluval 403 canister, 1 ocean clear canister w/ lil giant pump, 1 lifegard fluidized bed filter (fb600)
tankmates: 20" Green arowana, 14" black arowana, 9" female motoro besides parents, 16" Merodontotus Tigrinus
Water Parameters: Temp. 78-82, pH 8.2, hardness? I'm guessing over 200 ppm.


Mom and Pup

The white patches on Moms back is due to dad's abuse during mating.

The new stars of Bud's Stingrays page

Mom, Dad, and PupHi!

Hiding behind Mr. Tiger Catfish

Just to give you and idea on how big/small my rays are, I placed a pen in front of the tank.  



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