Freshwater stingray, potamotrygon, potamotrygon leopoldi, potamotrygon henlei, potamotrygon motoro, motoro, hystrix, arowana, datnoid, pochilodus, stingrays, ray, clown loach, catfish, tropical fish
Got questions, comments, and those marvelous impending death threats? What the heck, drop me an e-mail. My apologies in advance, sometimes it takes ages for me to reply . You are Freshwater Ray Fanatic # to visit my Stingray Page. *Gallery updated 7-9-99* |
July 5 1999 - My Female Motoro gives birth to two adorable pups, one male, one female Sept. 15, 99'- New Ray!! and some pics of pups Oct. 23, 1999- Female motoro gives birth to a male pup. |
Here are a few ray fanatics that submitted some of their ray pix. CHECK IT OUT!
T.J. Reichard and his pair of Tea Cup Rays
Andreas and his young P. Motoro
I hope you enjoyed my site dedicated to freshwater stingrays. You're probably asking yourself what do girls in bikini have to do with stingrays? Well let me you this fact of life my friend, girls in bikinis are everything!!! =); If you would like to see various kinds of rays available in the market, check out my freshwater stingray gallery. If you would like to see you rays on the net; please do feel free to send them to me. I would be glad to post them up in the gallery with your name on it. I'll try my best to update this page as much as I can. If you have a freshwater stingray site, I'd be glad to add it to my links section.................. ......................
Keith S. (Bud)
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Images on Gallery belong to their rightful owners