Chat Lingo
Compliments of
:) or :-) Smiling/Happy
:> or :-> Devious Smile
:( or :-( Sad
:< Very Sad
>:-( Angry
:& Tongue-tied
:c Bummed
:I or :-I Grin
:D or :-D Laughing
:-o or :o Shouting
:-O or :O Shouting very loud
:-p Stick your tongue out
:-* Kissing
:-x Quiet
:-() Talking too much
;-) or *_~ Winking
8-) Wearing Glasses
B-) Wearing Shades
|-o Yawning
|^o Sleeping/Snoring
AKA Also Known As
AOL America Online
AFK Away from keyboard
BAK Back at keyboard
BRB Be right back
BTW By the way
CIS Compuserve
CU See you
FAQ Frequently asked question
FYA For your amusement
FYI For your information
GMTA Great minds think alike
HHOK Ha ha, only kidding
HHOS Ha ha, only serious
HP Home Page
IAC In any case
IMO In my opinion
L8ter Later(s)
LMAO Laughing my ass off
LOL Laughing out loud
MOTD Message of the day
NRN No response necessary
OMG Oh, my gosh!
OTOH On the other hand
PITA Pain in the a**
PI Politically incorrect
PC Politically correct or portable computer
POV Point of view
RL Real life
RT Real time
RSN Real soon now
ROTFL Rolling on the floor laughing
STO Sticking Tongue Out
TIC Tongue in cheek
TTFN Ta-ta for now
TTYL Talk to you later
WB Welcome back
WTG Way to go
WTH What the heck
My Motto: Man never stands taller than when he is on his knees in prayer.
PAGE ME: ICQ #1760197 ..... PowWow
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