It has taken me a long time to update Sam's page.
Sam was a beautiful, emerald eyed tabby-boy
whose sole purpose in life was to purr.
He would purr when he was held,
he would purr when he was being petted or scratched,
he would purr as he chewed my hand into chopped meat
while we played.
He would sit on your foot if he liked you.
(Tabby sense of humor, I think.)
My precious pumpkin left to be with his friends
at the Rainbow Bridge on April 18th, 1998 at 7:35 AM.
He was only 6 1/2 years old.
He will never be forgotten by anyone who met him.
Sam had his own views on his life.
Please enter
The Wonderful World of Sam the Cat
and see for yourself what Sammers was all about.
Thank you, Patsy and Meowmie Nancy,
for these beautiful graphics.