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For a little information about me...I live in North Carolina, near Fort Bragg at the present time, but before then, I lived in the beautiful state of Virginia. I was born July 25, 1955 in Stoneville, North Carolina. That makes me a Leo and in the Chinese Calendar I am a "Goat".
I have a miniature Yorkshire Terrier registered with the AKC. Her name is Pebbles and she weighs 3 3/4 pounds. She was born on April 27, 1995 and she was the "runt" of the litter. Her parents are Boomer's Bungee Jumper and Schasse's Miss Molly. She is definitely a "lap" dog and she loves attention. She stays close to me just about all the time, either sleeping or playing. She also shows her love for me as well, especially if I leave her alone and go out, then when I get home she whines for me to pick her up and then it is lick, lick, lick. I think she thinks she is a little human at times.*LOL*
Pebbles likes to romp around the house and outside as well. In the desert when she is outside, I have to keep an eye out for hawks, owls and other bird of preys that may be in the sky. She also likes for me to play tug of war with her. She is a very fast learner to do tricks. She will roll over when told and she barks when told to speak.
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