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Oh my goodness! On 17 Nov 1997, I received an email telling me that my site is now "Featured". Talk about being surprised!!! This is the next best thing to having Ed McMahon knocking on my door! A special thanks to the CL that submitted my pages for this award. To diplay this award on my page is such a honor. Thank you GEOCITIES!

"A Little Bit" about Family, Felines, USMC, Poetry, Life, Country, Backgrounds and anything else I can think of.
I hope you enjoy! ;0)

house~ "A Little Bit" of Family ~

catncream~ "A Little Bit" of Felines ~

usmc~ "A Little Bit" of USMC Life ~

poetry~ "A Little Bit" of Poetry ~

star~ "A Little Bit's" Backgrounds ~

barn~"A Little Bit" O'Country~

chef~ "A Little Bit's" Recipes~

Tn Flag~"A Little Bit" of our Hometown~

survive review

heartland select

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page as a Starting Point Hot Site


safe kid


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Go Here to apply for my Warmth & Smiles Award
H&S Award

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ENDLESS(ZZ), by Van-Lam Nguyen

You are visitor number since Jun 11, 1997,Come Back Soon

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Guestbook Entries from 11June97-8April98


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