Hello! And Welcome to my Page!
My name is Kelly. I love birds and I thought it would be fun to make a page about backyard birds. Birds add so much cheerfulness to my yard I thought I'd share some of it with you. I enjoy painting so I thought I'd keep this page original and make all my own graphics. Most of the backgrounds you see will be computer art and the graphics I am making so-far are scanned watercolors. I hope you enjoy your visit here today!
Yesterday I had a pleasant surprise when I went to fill my platform feeder in my backyard. As I approached all the little birds flew away but one dove remained behind. When I got to within just a few feet of the feeder I paused and watched the dove for several minutes before it flew away. How I wished I had my camera with me! I'd love to share my backyard bunch with you.
Take a peek at the start of my new pages! More to come!
Bird House Hop- you don't want your back yard birds to do the bird house hop. Here are tips so the birds will stay. 

Feeder Frenzy- keep those birds coming back for more. Lots of bird feeding tips. 

Hummingbird Haven-attracting hummingbirds to your yard is fun and easy to do. 

High Flyin' Fun- the page for the younger set. Unusual facts, fun things to do and maybe a game to play. 

Hey Bird, Can I See Your ID- a crash course on what to watch for to identify the birds at your feeder. 

Come Along on a Trip to Anacapa Island! - my photo tour. 

Take a Walk With Me- see if you can identify the birds along the way. 

My On-line Diary of Bird Sightings 

New! State Birds- a list of the US states and the bird that represents each one.

A JAVA word search puzzle for you to try 

Another wordsearch, this one is about hummingbirds 

My Awards Page- My page won its first award! I didn't make the award(s) on this page. They were made by the wonderful people who give them to me. 

My Family's Home Page

This quote will help you a lot in enjoying the birds that visit your house. It's from The Bird Feeder Book by Donald and Lillian Stokes:
"Besides your eyes and ears, the most important thing to bring to your observing is your curiosity. Questions are the driving force behind all learning, and the more you ask, the more you will learn from what you see."

Bird Links
New!Feathered Friends in the Backyard
New! Buffy's Bird Refuge
The Aviary
Better Birdwatching in Colorado CD Rom
Chip and Dee's Birds
Nature's Flightline
Bird Source
Avian Resources
Be sure to read Raven's story.
Peterson Online
The Virtual Birder
Jackie's Gardening Page
Todd's Bird Page
The Purple Martin Sanctuary
Bird Yard/Birdwatch
Bird Sounds
Songs and Calls of Upstate New York Birds
Backyard Birding
You Know You're a Birding Fanatic if...
Debbie's tips for Attracting and Feeding Hummingbirds

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All nature images and backgrounds are copyrighted (C) 1997 by Kelly Glazner.
Please don't take the graphics from my page. They are all made by me to make this site unique. It won't stay unique if you use my graphics elsewhere. Thank you!
This page was established by Kelly Glazner on July 1, 1997.
This page was updated on April 28, 1999.
Thank you  for visiting my site!
Please come again soon!