"The Schnauzer Rescue Board" was create back in January of 1998 to provide a common place to post information pertaining to schnauzers needing homes or individuals seeking to adopt a rescue a schnauzer. The concept was that while there are many bulletin boards, none of them are dedicated exclusively to the rescue of the schnauzer breed and a board devoted exclusively to schnauzer rescue info could facilitate rescues. It has been very successful not only in helping thousands of dogs find home but also many rescue groups have established through roots and recruited volunteers through this board. The board currently gets around 3000 hits a day and is one of the most popular schnauzer sites on the internet.Postings pertaining rescue information for all three schnauzer types (Miniatures, Giants and Standards) as well as schnauzer mixes are welcomed on this site. Please reframe from flaming, debating or using the board as a chat board... it takes way from its purpose.
This board is registered as its own site with the search engines so it can receive traffic directly related to schnauzer rescue. There is a search facility to help you locate dogs in your area.. enter "AVAIL=xx" where xx is the state you are intereted in.
Below are some general guidelines on what to post to make it more effective along with instructions on how to post, please take a moment to read them before posting.
Thanks for your support!!
1. Postings should be restricted to:
- Schnauzers needing permanent or temporary homes
- Individuals seeking to adopt rescue schnauzers
- Requests for assistance with a schnauzer rescue situation (i.e. recruiting volunteers, request for transportation for rescue etc,).
- Please DO NOT post items pertaining to the sale or purchase of puppies or dogs.
2. To help locate posting easily the subject line minimially should include:
3. Please include pertinent contact information in the message body of the post
- Key words like "Available for Adoption", "Foster Home(s) Needed", "Want to Adopt", or "Other Rescue Info"
- Location of the dog(s)
- Note the "Subject" text is limited to 60 characters (even though it will let you type in more)
4. List as much known information about the dog(s)
- Name of contact
- Email or phone# of contact
- Location (in case it gets truncated on the subject line)
- If the dog is listed on other site, please include a link to that URL of the site
- Age
- Sex
- General description of the dog(s) (i.e. color, size, temperment, etc)
- Neutered/Spay status
- Any restrictions on placement of the dog (i.e. geographical restrictions, no kids, no cats, no other dogs etc.)
- Any known problems (i.e. medical or behavorial)
5. If you have a photo to include, you can email the photo or the URL address of the photo to msfriends@earthlink.net. Just let me know which post it goes with, I will I will be happy to insert the photo into the post.
6. If you are cross posting please include the source of the cross post (if it is a website include the URL).
7. Please notify me when your posting is obsolete so it can be removed. The board has a limited amount of postings that it will hold.
8. Please do not use the board as a "chat" board. Inquiry to posters via email, as there is no guarantee that they will see your message on the board, and many of these posts are cross posted.
9. There is now a box that you must check for your email to be displayed. Please check it! Sorry... this is not a feature I force to check it.. you must do it.
10. Anonymous posts are NOT appreciated. If you do not want to put your name to your post, than you probably shouldn't be posting it
11. And please check your email address... about 25% of them posted are still incorrect!! NOTE: AOL member you must include "@aol.com" suffix or clicking on your email address will only work for other AOL users. The webmaster of the board is NOT an AOL user and can not tell if these are valid addresses.
12. And please no posting of URL's for breeder sites or advertisements for breeders, this message board is for promoting rescues not sales of puppies. Any such postings will be promptly removed.
HOW TO POST ON THE MESSAGE BOARD:1. To view a posting:
- Click on the subject line of the post
- To return either use your browser back button or click on "Return to Articles"
2. To reply to a posting:
- First view the posting you are interest by clicking on the subject line of the post
- Scroll to the bottom of the post
- Click on "Post a Response" button
- If you decide not to post Click on "Return to Articles"
- If you do not see your posting listed hit your browser "reload" button
3. To create a new post
- From the main message board click on the "Post Article" button near the top of the page
- Fill in fields appropiately
- Click on the "Submit Article" button
- If you decide not to post Click on "Return to Articles"
- If you do not see your posting listed hit your browser "reload" button
4. By including your email in the email field on the post you will automatically be email a response when some responds to your post. If you do not want to be notified automatically, just include your email as part of the message text instead.
5. URL to site contain additional information or photos on rescue cases, can be included in the body of the message. Unfornuately there is no where to post a URL link, so just include it in the message text.
6. Postings will remain on the board until webmaster cleans them off. Usually pending closure on the rescue case.
7. If you encounter any fraudulent post, please contact the webmaster at msfriends@earthlink.net of the rescue board so the posting may be removed.
8. Posting not relevant to schnauzer rescue will be delete, as there are many other bulletin boards for these.
Enter The Schnauzer Rescue Message Board  
Disclaimer The webmaster does not screen or verify notices posted on this site and makes no claims to the accuracy of this information. This site and its webmaster bear no responsible for claims or damages arising from the use of this service. However, if you become aware of a fraudulent post, please notify the webmaster and the posting will be promptly removed.Please also be advised that we do not meet and evaluate the dogs so can offer no assurances about the identity, health, or temperament of any dogs listed. Potential adopters need to ask questions of those placing the dogs and evaluate if the dog fits their lifestyles. Get as much background as you can before making the decision to adopt. Remember ADOPTION IS A LIFETIME COMMITTEMENT!! Placers, be advised there is no prescreening of potential adopters done on this forum... so please properly screen applicants before adopting out your dogs. If you find someone totally unsuitable as an adopter, please advise the webmaster and their posting will be removed, they will also be removed from distribution list for available dog notifications.