from a Mommy's heart

We'd been told we could "choose" a baby to foster from a choice of three or four babies.

Wow, I couldn't do it ! I'd go for the cutest for sure and would feel bad about the decision later. I'd ponder for years, "was it a good choice?". So John and I decided we'd take the youngest, a child of any sex and ability.

Then we were saved from having to make that choice when we were asked directly to consider BenBen because no one would take him due to his colostomy. We gladly accepted, before even meeting him even ! It saved us the trauma of turning kids down and seemed like an answer to our prayers.

I met BenBen on February 26th in 1995 for the first time. He was wearing a yellow outfit and he was sitting on the floor. Well, he was the smallest, youngest and cutest person there ! What can I say? G-d is good !! I loved him from the moment I laid eyes on him ! I had no photo to tell me but I knew it was him.

We brought him home on March 2nd 1995, he was 15 months old.

Those first 4 months were truly awful! He was sick so much and in and out of hospital, but he was such a thrill to be with. Watching him grow up from a 15 month old with 9 month delays and blossom and reduce those delays was a real treat. He was doing so much better than we could have ever anticipated !

By March 1996 it was apparent his chances overseas were slim for finding him a family. His health on paper was really bad, plus his mother's problems could be inherited. We couldn't watch him go back into an institution so we decided to adopt him ourselves.

We changed his name, not because Benjamin isn't a good name, its just such a good name we gave it to our first born son! So he became Timothy Benjamin Kin-Wa (his Chinese name) with our last name.

So, that's my Timothy ! And by the way his adoption was finalized on March 15th 1997 !

We are living......