Joshua Earns His Wings!
Joshua Ray Lee Ozuna
August 10, 1989 - August 22, 1996
Joshua spent seven years with his family whom he loved so much. Six were healthy, fun, little boy years. Sadly, the last year Joshua spent ill with a Brain Stem Tumor called, Pontine Glioma. His parents were told that no surgery was available for this tramatic diagnosis.
While healthy, Joshua (whom the family liked to call Bubba,) loved the 1994 version of the movie, "The Little Rascals." Renee, his mom reported to me that he would watch it continuously. He also loved playing with his cars and trucks, and what young man his age wasn't crazy about the "Power Rangers!"
During Joshua's illness he was fed through a feeding tube....but continued to enjoy the taste of some his favorites when he could tolerate them. Joshua's home was filled with love....having a younger sister, Serena, sister Charlotte, brother Phillip, and two foster brothers in his company. He went through Chemotherapy and Radiation, long hospital stays and finally a coma which he did eventually come out of. He was a lucky little guy.....for he had his own cheerleading squad always at his side!
Joshua's two foster brothers lived with him until Joshua became ill. I have proudly put the photos of his sibblings they are very lovely children who loved and miss Joshua so very much.
From Left to Right: Phillip 14, Charlotte 6, and Serena 3.
Joshua Signing, "I Love You"
Even in Joshua's final days, he was mischievous little guy. He could get one leg out to trip his sibblings as he made his way across the wrestling mat his parents had purchased for his own independence and safety. I would like to think that even in his final days, our wonderful Lord Jesus kept our little Joshua's spirits happy and full of life!
The midi sequence you are listening to is:
Vince Gill's,
"Go Rest High On That Mountain."
This song may be found on his, "When Love Finds You" CD.
(This lovely song was played at Joshua's visitation service.)
I know your life
On earth was troubled
And only you could know the pain
you weren't afraid to face the devil
You were no stranger to the rain.
Go rest high on that mountain
Son, your work on earth is done
Go to Heaven a shoutin'
Love for the Father and the Son
Oh, how we cried the day you left us
We gathered around your grave to greive
I wish I could see the angels faces
When they hear your sweet voice sing
Repeat Chorus
Joshua Earns His Wings
Joshua must have heard them
As Jesus took his hand
I can see his face smiling
At the beauty of the land.
His youthful sighs and gentle touch
To laugh and play again
On Heaven's fabulous playground
With many a new friend.
He's smiling down on family
As each new day begins
Joshua's free of pain now
It's constant love he sends.
His halo is the purest gold
For he has earned his wings
He greets all new sick children
While angel choirs sing.
Written For And Dedicated To Joshua
By Lacy
September 14, 1998
(A Very Special Thank You To Elizabeth For Making the Joshua Angel Graphic! Please take the time to visit her graphics site!)
Liz's Corner-- Free Border Background Sets
Blessings And More Blessings
Genesis 9:1
How good the warm sunshine and the cool breeze must have felt as Noah walked down the huge plank of the ark. Thankful to God for the way He had taken care of them, Noah called his family together, built an alter and worshiped God. (Genesis 8:15-22)
One of the most important blessings one can have is to share together in worship and prayer. God desires the fellowship of your family. He wants to have first place in your home.
God wants to bless your family just as He blessed Noah and his sons.
You may choose this very simple prayer:
Dear God,
Thank you for my family. Thank you for supplying our needs, and listening to our prayers. Thank you for the fellowship we have with you. Thank you for all of your many blessings.....Amen.
(We have lost our little Joshua, God must have needed him in Heaven among the angels. Joshua has earned his wings....and he sits at the right hand of God. Let us be greatful that Joshua is our little angel, who watches over all who needs him)
We Miss You Joshua
We miss your sparkling eyes...your joyous laughter, your beautiful smile.
Your warm embraces, your loving kisses, your boyish style.
You had a tremendous amount of love in your heart,
When you left us, it tore us apart.
You loved your toy cars, trucks and legos...typical boy.
You brought us much happiness and plenty of joy.
You had your share of trouble, had your share of pain.
You are now walking with Jesus with nothing to lose but plenty to gain.
Your pain is taken from you now our beloved brother/nephew/grandson/friend, son,
Your time on earth is over but your time in Heaven has just begun.
In Memory Of Joshua Ray Lee Ozuna
August 10, 1989 - August 22, 1996
Deeply Missed By All The People Whose Heart He Embraced...
By Your Mommy
This poem was sent to me by Iziah's mom, is most appropriate here.
"To All Parents"
I'll lend to you for a little while,
A child of mine, "He said
For you to love the while he lives
And mourn for when he's dead,
It may be six or seven years,
Or twentytwo or three,
But will you til I call him back,
Take care of him for me?
He'll bring his charms to gladden you,
And should his stay be brief,
You'll have his lovely memories,
As solace for your grief.
I cannot promise he will stay,
Since all from earth return,
But there are lessons taught down there,
I want this child to learn.
I've looked this wide world over,
In my search for teachers true
And from the throngs that crowd life's lanes,
I have selected you.
Now, will you give him all your love,
Nor think the labor vain,
Nor hate me when I come to call,
And take him home again.
I fancied that I heard them say,
"Dear Lord, Thy will be done.
For all the joy Thy child shall bring,
The risk of grief we'll run,
We'll shelter him with tenderness
And we'll love him while we may
And for the happiness we've known,
Forever grateful stay.
But should the Angels call for him,
Much sooner than we planned
We'll brave the bitter grief that comes,
And try to understand.
Learn more about the illness that took our Joshua by clicking on the following links:
Pontine glioma
!American Brain Tumor Association - A Primer of Brain Tumors: Childhood Brain a
Childhood brain stem glioma
Brain Tumor Treatments - Brainstem Glioma
The Virtual Hospital: Paediapedia: BrainstemGlioma
A Thank You From Joshua's Mom, Renee...
I would like to thank our Angel on Earth, Lacy, for creating this wonderful
tribute to the memory of our son/brother Joshua! The long hours she put into
this , not to mention the tremendous amount of love, shows through! The
poem she wrote for Joshua is absolutely beautiful! I am in awe of the way
she is able to express herself with words! I only wish I was able to put
into words the gratitude and the love we feel for her for what she has done
for us! Thank you our dear Lacy from the bottom of our hearts....
Thank you Ginny for your help with the page! You are another true Angel on
Earth! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts! I know your son is showing
Joshua the ropes up in Heaven!!!
Thank you Connie for being there for me at all hours of the night! Thank you
for the picture of the little fisherboy...I love it and know Joshua does
too!! Who would have thought modern technology would have created such a
wonderful friendship? Thank goodness for modems! Tiffany and Joshua knew
what they were doing when the brought us together!
I wish I could find the words to express how I feel when I see this lovely
page! Yes there are tears of sadness for the pain we endure over the loss
of our son but there are tears of joy as I recall the wonderful memories
Joshua has given us!
Thank you Elizabeth for the beautiful picture of Joshua as an Angel! I hold
that close to my heart! It is how I imagine him to look!
Again...thank you Lacy!! We love you!
Serena and always in our hearts...Joshua Ray Lee Ozuna
"Lacy's Labor Of Love For A Child" began back in March 1998. It has been such a success, with my team of "angel" volunteers who have come forward to build pages for sick, handicapped, and deceased children. If you would like to learn more about the challenge, we would love to have you...either as a volunteer or as a parent that we can bring smiles to by building a page for your special lil' angel.
Lacy's Challenge For A Child
It's so simple to make a child smile. Visit Alexandra....she will show you how!! Just click on her banner below!
I would love to welcome you to come by and visit my Homepage by clicking on my banner below!
It is so very important that we take the time to offer this family prayer and support in their loss of Joshua. Please take the time to send his family an email...and leave your heartprints in his guestbook!
A very warm and special thank you goes to my sweet friend Ginny who helped make the background work after many hours, and also for the buttons she made especially for Joshua's page. Please visit her memorial to her son that she made with such love by clicking on her banner below...
Joshua loved to fish! Connie made the below picture as a gift for his birthday! For us it is our gift to you to place on your awards page! It is free for the taking, all we ask is that you link it back to Joshua's page! Thank you Connie!!
Our Gift To You!
To Renee and the rest of the family, I hope that you will always hold this page near and dear to your heart as a permanent memorial to my new found angel, Joshua. This page was made with love by Lacy!!