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We Are The Children
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Rocking Horse
Are you just a rocking horse,
Now soiled with rusty springs?
Your eyes seem less alert now,
His laughter never rings
As when...before he stopped,
And cowboys smile was gone.
Oh, rocking horse please speak,
And tell me what went wrong?
Tattered beast with chipping paint,
With broken twisted tail...
I have thought so many times,
To put you out for sale.
You have bucked..and reared your head....
As if to say to me:
To leave you be..one more year.
To save his memory.
Each child must grow to walk away,
To prove that he is grown.
Each rocking horse must stay behind,
With fathers all alone.
Written in 1990 by Paul Dunn (PaulsVenom@aol.com)
All rights reserved (c)
You smile with
O so slightly turned up corners
Blending into dimples
Tucking you in
Kissing your cheek
You are growing so quickly
How many more tuck-ins before
You're a young lady?
Your body contemplating womanhood
Grow up my sweet baby
But not so fast
Let your childhood linger
When it will be your time
You will fly, my little butterfly
And taste life's nectar
But not too fast
Let the caterpillar in you
First nibble away
There's lots more childhood left
Good night, Sweet Baby
Sleep well
Written For and Dedicated to My Daughter Lauren by Ken Hoffman in June 1997
All rights reserved (c)
Lauren Beth Hoffman
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The Garden
This is my world, so small.
Our world, together we hear it call..
And God's world, first of all.
He made it a garden...
So lovely, so serene...
Today it's become only a dream.
We've lost the vision, the beautiful seeds
Of the love it once held...
We've given it up, turned it over to weeds.
If war and hatred are allowed to rule...
We reap no more than only the cruel...
The reward of those known only as fool.
But, as for me, I truly believe...
That kindness and caring among us all...
Can change this 'ol world,
Bring life and relief.
And in each life, A new garden will grow...
A flower peek through, a tree, a vine..
They all will take hands, so the world will know.
This may sound like a tale...
But, oh, it is true...
Reality, through love, simply cannot fail.
So begin your new garden...
And then take my hand..
Let's renew this old world
Let's all take a stand.
Clean up our hearts,
Sweep clean the sod...
Let's speak to our neighbors..with voices of love..
And reclaim this sweet world......
Created by God.
Written On January 27, 1998 By Marlene (MWilli9142@aol.com)
All rights reserved (c)
The Pine and the Loquat
In my back yard
Stands a long-legged
Monterey pine, sixty,
Maybe eighty years old.
It's jutting branches resemble
A Chinese brush painting,
Angled as if holding court.
Juxtaposed in its afternoon
Shadow, a wide-leaved loquat,
Squat-girthy, robust
Yet demure, having had to
Live its childhood paying
Homage to the pine
Begging for its sunlight and drink.
This immigrant, though different
From its neighbors,
Has learned the garden's language,
Staking a claim to its own patch
Of earth.
Now, its roots play footies
With the pine.
They grow rings together,
Both their trunks showing
Middle aged-spread.
They reminisce together
Of storms past
And the lean, dry years.
An odd couple
You might say.
But they know.
Written in December 1997 by Ken Hoffman(WaxPoetic1@aol.com)
All rights reserved (c)
Our Environment Is In Trouble....Take A Stand...Take Back This Land!
Water pollution
Air, Water & Soil
Forest Preservation Organizations
katie2.htm at www2.gasou.edu
Jungle Journey: Rykodisc Catalog
Clean Air
Sierra Club
Greenpeace International Information
Consider the word...Homeless
Not while sipping that hot cup of coffee..
Nor while spreading the jelly on the sandwich..
Or cursing the dishwasher for getting off balance.
Consider the word.. Homeless
Not while driving that new car...
Nor when depositing your pay check...
Or while laying under that warm blanket praying...
Homeless...what is Homeless?
How can I possibly know?
Suddenly God's grace abounds..
In recollection of words..
Words I had read long ago..
Something to the effect of......
"even the sparrow has a place to nest..
but the son of man...has not a place to lay his head"
God grant me wisdom to know
To feel the meaning of homeless.
Consider the word...Homeless
While laying flat on wet ground..
As the rain drenches your thoughts..
Did I mention, locking your keys inside..
That nice warm house..
Just incase You feel uncomfortable and cold?
Oh..did I mention your family....children..
Are right there with you?
"Daddy, I'm cold," says a child.
"Ok dear...you've proved a point," says the wife,
But what about the keys?
How do you tell them.."No Keys?"
"The son of man..has not a place to lay his head"
Written on January 28, 1997 by Paul Dunn (Paulsvenom@aol.com)
The Lost Friend Of Christmas
While stopping at a mall with my wife I had come upon a man. As we approached each other something had seemed familiar. In animated motions we nodded to each other. Upon passing it seemed we had turned at the same time to glance at each other. Both of us knowing that we looked familiar. He was dressed rather shabby, with beard and knotted hair. It was hard to ignore that he was near. A putrid odor with grimy clothes, was actually what had caught my nose. I turned to walk back to satisfy my curiosity. His thin fetid face staring portentously. Fingers and hands aged and old. The look on his face frightened and cold.
"Tom?" He had said. I wondered aloud how he had known me. Surely he knew he was difficult to see. "Class of '67, right?" I nodded yes. Though I still had not the slightest guess. "C'mon man! Don't ya know me? We used to hang together!" He grasped my hand and his felt like leather. I felt like a fool, still trying to be cool. But he was still nondescript as he spoke. "Sorry man, I can't place you." "Yeah, well you look like you might choke!" "Jerry? Sorry, it's been a long time man." I stepped back a bit, indiscreet as I can. "Jesus, whatcha been doing all these years?" "Ah, not much really....Christ, Tom, it's good to see you" Then I saw some tears. He had moved closer and rested his hand upon my shoulder. I was lost for words so I said, "hey we both got older, huh?" "No", he answered. "You look the same, but I know I look bad." "Tough times Jerry, where ya been for 30 years?" Now I had a hard time holding back my tears. "Well, after school I went out to L.A. for a while, then they caught up with me. Looks like they got you too, eh?" I had on my usual old Army fatigue coat, that's what he was referrring to. "Yeah, I been to Nam, three times in fact." "Three times! I did my thirteen months, and couldn't wait to get back." I asked him if he wanted to sit and have a cup of coffee, saying I would really like to talk. Laughing he said, "they would tell me to walk, look at me!" I went in to get us two cups and then we sat on a bench for awhile. "So Tommy, you married or what, what do you do? Ya got kids, where ya livin', you used to go out with Bev, yeah man I remember her, did you guys get married?" "Jerry what's up, you look tired man."
Jerry was a black guy, very popular in school. Football, basketball, he was really liked by everyone. He was also very smart, as I remember....always honor roll. When I returned home I couldn't wait to look in my yearbook. DECA-Basketball-Football-School Store. Aspirations....business school. Man what happened to my friend? " I got my greetings in L.A. , went to Leonard Wood, then to Benning AIT. Guess you can figure the rest out. 94-Bravo, I'm black ya know? Heavy duty Tom. Americal Division, August '67. I see you wearing the Ranger tag, hot stuff! Airborne too, eh man." "Yeah same as you Jerry, I got drafted too. Americal for awhile. Just before we graduated, left 6, August." "What's the other one man." "82nd Airborne, 173rd Infantry Brigade-73rd infantry. Jerry, what happened to you, why you limping?" "A 155 hit near me...got a piece in my thigh. Pleiku. Got a piece of it in my head too. Why the heck didn't they teach us about the Nam in Current Affairs? We never talked or read about that place, no Viet Nam studies. No Charlie, no jungle stuff. Wow, Airborne Ranger, huh? Far out! Where were you? 3 Years! Jump school Benning, huh? Use to see them with their berets, spit shined boots. We musta been AIT...same time. Oh man, who knows...huh?" "Yeah I guess, sort of get wrapped up too tight you know?" "Ya take any hits man, I see you got inked, is that to cover the scars?" I laughed, told him it only took me thirty years to get inked. "No, these here are only about a year old." "Jerry, what happened to you, you changed?" "Where you living Jerry?" "Anywhere, everywhere." Listen, I ain't seen you in over 30 years, why don't you cut out that booze?" "Eh Tom, I'm cool...no big deal really." I guess I shouldn't have said that to him. "Jerry, didn't you have a sister?" "Yeah, she don't know me anymore. Says I'm a bum. I tried to work ya know, but it's the head, I still got the steel in there. Look at me..would you give me a job?" "When did this start.....when you got out?" "Yep...bad stuff went down Tom, you know you saw it too."
My wife walked over to where we were seated. "Bev?" He said. "Hello." "Well you don't me either, huh?" "Bev, that's Jerry Burns, remember him in high school?" It seemed as though he had wanted to hug her, they were good friends in school. But I guess he knew that he looked and smelled pretty bad. So he just touched her sleeve. "Tom ain't changed, and neither have you Bev, you guys still look the same. I could see Bev was a little uncomfortable. I could also see that Jerry realized this, but it seemed like he understood. "Well, gotta go guys, eh Tom, maybe I'll see ya again, huh?" Without saying goodbye, he started to walk off. I ran over to him and just handed him a $50.00 bill. "Take care Jerry, stay clean." Again I saw tears glaze over his eyes. I put my arms around him, and we patted each other goodbye. A lot of people were watching us. I could care less! "Thanks man, Merry Christmas to you and Bev." " You too Jerry, take it easy, ok?"
What went wrong? Something array. And intelligent man gone astray. I had all to do to hold back my tears....having not seen Jerry for so many years. Some of us made it, some did not. I guess I am fortunate on my part. But no one really cares, not even me I suppose. This once billiant man, his ragged clothes. Maybe a few more decades must pass by...To see the decadence before we die. Maybe no more wars that politicians scheme.....It's really ok for me to dream......Right?
Written For and Dedicated to My Friend Jerry..Who Is Somewhere Out There......Please Keep Him In Your Prayers.....By Tom(BabyB0Omer@aol.com)
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