
Safe Online Adoption Registries Board Members

Chairperson of the Board

Emmary Nicholson

EM Emmary Nicholson, who has been in the online adoption community since 1996, is a reunited adoptee, thanks to ISRR and AIML. She was reunited in November of 1996 with her birthmom Cheryl. Emmary is a co list owner of the Adoptees Internet Mailing List, listowner of the Adoption Registry Owners Mailing List and is the Adoption Contributing Editor for Cyberangels.com. She is the former owner of the Sunflower Birthmoms Registry.

She and her husband, Jim currently live in Northern Virginia. You can find her on ICQ #3981610.

Vice Chairperson

Jan Davis

. Jan is a reunited adoptee who found in 1993. She was rejected by her birthmother, but accepted by her birth father, birth sister, aunt and cousins after a 17 year search (pre-internet). She is the Founder and CEO of Bits & Pieces Mutual Consent Reunion Registry, and The Mending Wall.

Married with 2 surviving children (1 stillborn and 1 died at 6 days of age due to inherited blood disease and prematurity (26 weeks gestation)). Jan has a zillion cats and dogs, and writes a monthly humor column for a local South Carolina paper directed towards Senior Citizens. She writes under her birth name, as she feels her talent comes from her birth family. Jan lives in Liberty, SC.


Peggy Bohanon

Peggy is a 56 year old reunited birthmother. She has been online in the adoption community for 5 years. After a 12 year search for her son, they have been reunited for 4 years. A great reunion.! She has been married 33 years and has 2 other children, and has 6 grandchildren. She loves painting, gardening and animals and she & her husband have 5 cats and Zackary the Chow Chow. Peggy owns the Delaware Reunion Registry and resides in Delaware.

New Membership/Membership Review:

Beth Leve

Beth Beth is an adoptee who was born, adopted and raised in Pennsylvania. She was reunited with her birthmother, through her maternal grandmother, who was always a part of her life growing up. Beth was also lucky enough to have been adopted by the same family who adopted her younger brother and sister. She is now searching for her birthfather who is her missing link.

Beth started the California Mutual Consent Registry at the end of September of 1998 as an aid to those who were affected by adoptions which occured through that state. She also has two adoption webrings, one is entitled the Adoption Chronicler Webring and the other is the Adoption Activism Webring.

Beth is the mother of one boy and one girl, and a grandmother of one beautiful boy. She lives in Phoenix, AZ with her wonderful family.

Candice John

Candice Candice Camilleri-Johnn,who has been a member of the on line adoption community since 1997, is a searching adoptee.(date of birth, 5/2/71, Baltimore MD).

In the process of her search ,she has opened up an adoption registry that focuses on Catholic related adoptions, Relinquished Registry, and has founded the Catholic Charities Triad mailing lists, for adoption searching and post adoption reform. She can be contacted by email through: candimom@ivillage.com

SOAR Compliance Committee

Jan Davis

Amie Grace

Amie Amie is a 30 year old biracial adoptee, and single mom of 2 kids. She works full time as a Receptionist and does webpage maintenance as well. Amie reunited almost 2 years ago with her birthmom's family, but currently has no contact with them. She is still searching for her birthfather. She runs the
Scenic States Adoption Registry for Alaska, Hawaii and Utah, and the Biracial and African American Adoptees Registry.

WESOAR Moderators

Jan Davis

Melanie Haviland


AROML Moderators

Tammy DeBord

Donna Akehurst

SOAR Handbook Committee

Beth Leve

Morale - Greetings Committee

Melanie Haviland

Peggy Bohanon

SOAR Webpage Maintenance

Patty Burns

Patty Patty has been an active member of the online adoption community since 1992. She is a birthmother, and just found her son in June, after 7 years of searching.

Patty is the owner of the Finding in Florida Registry. She is also the listowner for the Halcyon search mailing list and the Finding-in-Florida search mailing list. She is ringmaster for the Black Market Adoption Webring.

AROML Webpage Maintenance

Tammy DeBord

Tammy Tammy found her birth mom in May of 1999 and is having a wonderful, happy reunion! She runs, Tammy's Adoption Search Page (ME, NH & VT)

Tammy is married with 3 beautiful red-headed children (2 girls and 1 boy) 4 1/2 years old, 2 1/2 years old, and 1 year old.  She currently lives Graham, WA.

AROML Invitation Committee

Tammy DeBord

SOAR Webring Maintenance

Tammy DeBord


Melanie Haviland

Melanie Melanie is a searching Cole Baby Adoptee. She has been searching since 1972 for her birth family, and started searching on the internet in 1998.

Melanie is the owner of The Cole Baby Registry and The Blackmarketbabies mailing list.

Melanie is married, but doesn't have children yet!

Peggy Bohanon

Waiting for biography.

SOAR Guidelines Committee

Donna Varner Akehurst

donna Donna whose birthname was Debbie Lynn Wilkey Arledge, is an Adoptee, who is reunited with both sides of birthfamily & 3 sibs, ISO 2 sisters.

Donna is presently living in Soddy-Daisy TN. She has been married for ten years and has 3 children. She has been online in the searching area since 1993. She is the Site Coordinator, for the Chattanooga Tn RegDay. She is involved with KY/TN and numerous other mailing lists.
Email: pinkptls@bellsouth.net
Can be found on IRC server chat.talkcity.com's #adoption channel
AOL/Netscape Messenger: pinkpetls1.
Registry Owner of:
Tennessee Reunion Registry
Arkansas Reunion Registry
Ole Kentucky Home
Mississippi Reunion Registry
N. Georgia Reunion Registry

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