Thank you for visiting our personal web page. We are now living in Base houseing on Fort Hood and do enjoy it a while lot. Caitie is now in First Grade, she was diagnosed with ADHD and a learning disorder, but is coming a long well. She is in special reading classes and loves them. She will be retained next year and in !st Grade again, but we all feel this will bennifit her and allow her to keep up with her school work in the future. Hannah is also in School and is finishing up Pre-K. She loves school and seems to be doing well in school. Nikki is doing well. SHe has had some health concerns during the past year, But her epilepsy is now under controll and has had her driving privalges back for some time. Her heart condition has done well over the past few months and the hot weather doesnt seem to be agrivating it yet. Nikki is continueing to be a Stay at home mom and helps out with Joe's Units Family Readiness Group and also maintains the 1-67 Armor, HHC web site. She is enjoying the life as a military wife, though it has had many challanges, that she has proudly overcome. Joe is doing well in the Army, He was deployed to Iraq in April 2003. It was difficult to see him go, but Nikki and the girls are hanging in there. Joe was able to call o n 12 May,03 for the first time in a month and seems to be doing as well as can be expected. He is a Medic in the US Army and quite good at his Job. He was due to go to the Promotion Board 13 May,2003 and once Nikki finds out if he was able to be promoted we will let you know. The whole falily is VERY proud of Joe and looks forward to his return. Unfortunatly we are not quite sure when that will be. Last roumor is late this fall. If you wish to send Joe a care package or letter, please call Nikki for the address, I am sure he will love to hear from you.
The Hankes