Welcome to the University of Toronto
- Page 2

To see the pictures in full size simply click on the "thumbnail" of it and it will bring up the picture in a new browser for you. As usual, I got a little carried away with the camera this day. The pics didn't come out quite as I wanted them too but they are good enough. It was mid afteroon and clear skies and very sunny. A lot of shadows I could do nothing about. Hope you enjoy them. (page #1 is the directory for this section)

To see the pics in full simply click on them and they will come up in a new browser for you. *smiles*

I_want's Photo - University of Toronto - pic 1
I_want's Photo - University of Toronto Campus - pic 2
I_want's Photo - University of Toronto Campus - pic 3
I_want's Photo - University of Toronto - pic 4
I_want's Photo - University of Toronto Campus = pic 5
I_want's Photo - University of Toronto Campus - pic 6
I_want's Photo - University of Toronto Campus - pic 7
I_want's Photo - University of Toronto - pic 8
I_want's Photo - University of Toronto Campus - pic 9
I_want's Photo - University of Toronto - pic 10

University of Toronto Pics - Directory
click above for University Directory

All photo's and text are © 1988 - 2000 vjr All Rights Reserved. Please do not take these photo's without emailing me first and requesting permission. Thank you for your consideration.


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