The Ten Demandments10 Rules To Live By To Insure Unhappyness In A Relationship 1- Thou shalt make me happy 2- Thou shalt not have any interests other than me 3- Thou shalt know what I want and what I feel with out me having to say 4- Thou shalt return each one of my sacrifices with an equal or greater sacrifice 5- Thou shalt shield me from anxiety, worry, hurt or any pain 6- Thou shalt give me my sense of self-worth and esteem 7- Thou shalt be grateful for everything I do 8- Thou shalt not be critical of me, show anger toward me or otherwise disapprove of anything I do 9- Thou shalt be so caring and loving that I need never take risks or be vulnerable in any way 10- Thou shalt love me with thy whole heart, thy whole soul and thy whole mind, even if I do not love myself
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