God is Never Beyond our Reach
No one ever sought the Father and found He was not THERE,
And no burden is too heavy to be lightened by a prayer.
No problem is too intricate and no sorrow that we face,
is too deep and devastating to be softened by His Grace,
no trials and tribulations are beyond what we can bear
If we share them with OUR FATHER, as we talk to Him in prayer --
And men of every color, every race and every creed,
Have but to seek the Father, in their deepest hour of need --
God ask for no credentials, he accepts us with our flaws,
He is kind and understanding and He welcomes us because,
We are His erring children and He loves us everyone,
and He freely and completely forgives all that we have done.
Asking only if we're ready to follow WHERE HE LEADS --
Content that in His wisdom, he will answer all our needs.
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