Welcome and thank you for expressing interest in the Made With Love Webring. Let me first tell you a little about the webring and then you can make the decision of whether you would like to join. I made this ring for pages that were made with so much love as a tribute to a loss of a loved one. If you have such a site you have found your webring. Any type of loss is welcome to join. There are only a few rules that apply to joining this ring, and they are as follows:


(I want this to be a safe and pleasant ring....keep in mind that children may view these pages)

*you do have to place the webring on your site, you have two weeks to get it on there or your site will automatically be removed

*it MUST be a memorial tribute

Rings are a great way to get more "traffic" to your site.

If this is something you would like to do...please join us :)

If you would like a quick tour of the webring and what it has to offer click HERE

Here is a sample of the Webring fragment that will be placed on your page.

This Made With Love site is owned by
Place your name here.

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