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The Story of  Clay Hall

In close proximity to Umberslade was formerly the estate known as Clay Hall, where lived for centuries the ancient family of Fullwood or Fulwode, a family second in importance only to the Archers.

This Manor was originally called Fulwode, and was given by Thurstan de Mountfort, Lord of the manor of Beaudesert, to Robert, son of Matthew of Whitley, in the reign of Henry II.

Robert built a house on his new estate, and assumed the name of Fulwode, which name was destined to be prominent in the affairs of Tanworth until the latter part of Queen Elizabeth's reign.

The Fulwodes continued to hold their Manor from the Mountforts (or Montforts) until the male heirs of that family failed, when their land reverted to the Earldom of Warwick, the overlords of the rest of Tanworth.

Henceforth the Manor was held from the Earls, until their attainder.

Umberslade Hall as it appears today

Photo below

Umberslade Hall

Photos and information on Umberslade Hall was provided by
David Fullwood  

Tettenhall, Wolverhampton,
West Midlands, UK

Web Page: http://www.btinternet.com/~david.fullwood/publish/

Lawrence A. Boyle

Member of the

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