
Online Parish Clerks

An Online Parish Clerk (OPC) researches all  the available historical data they can find on a parish,  records are transcribed, and in order to promote further private research, are made FREELY available to any researcher. This will include census, parish transcripts, bishop's transcripts and churchwardens accounts, overseers accounts, land tax records, postal directory extracts, church & village histories, etc. An OPC is a volunteer and should not be confused with the civil Parish Clerk appointed by a Parish Council.


My name is Donna King and I am the on-line parish clerk for the Parish of Tolpuddle>

Parish Chest Resources

All transcriptions and indexes have been made by me from original sources.
I recommend you also check the original or primary source yourself for verification purposes.
In the same way, indexes should be regarded as finding aids only.

If you have anything at all you can donate to the on-line parish chest
e.g. entries from Trade Directories, transcriptions, images
please don't hesitate to contact me.
All contributions will be gratefully received and appreciated by researchers world-wide!

I am continually adding new resources, * indicates something new *,
so don't forget to come back regularly for the latest additions.

Research Requests
*important please read*

I only do look-ups as they relate to the parishes listed above.

 I can only do specific look-ups from the resources listed for each parish.

When making your research request give me as much detail as you can.

Please don't ask me to undertake speculative surname searches in a parish
if you do not have any known connection with that parish.

I do not undertake blanket surname searches for the purpose of one-name studies,
but I can give you the names of professional researchers who do.

Your courtesy in acknowledging any information I send you is always appreciated.
Without that acknowledgement no further information will be sent.

I do not live locally.


E-mail me

Find out more about the on-line parish clerk scheme

I am an unpaid volunteer willing to assist others with their genealogical research and should in no way be confused with the County Council appointed Parish Clerk

This page last updated 27 March 2003