We are people who have never met, most of us do not know each
other's last
names, or what we look like. Perhaps if we saw each other
in a mall, we
would walk right past each other.
But, we know our friends' hearts. That is the important part.
We have laughed,
cried and prayed together.
We have exchanged phone numbers,
and a
few of us have been lucky enough to meet.
We are not just a group of people with babies with heart problems
or learning
disabilities or a particular syndrome.
Our children came to us with various
Some have medical, physical or mental challenges.
Some have all of
these challenges put together.
Collectively, we have more medical knowledge
than most doctors.
But we are not about defeat, or about children
born less than perfect. We do
not elicit pity.
What we are is simply parents. Parents doing our best
to raise our children in
loving environments, free from
discrimination, or being looked upon constantly as 'different'.
Although we may be very different in some ways,
we are very much
the same in most ways.
We celebrate the smallest of milestones, rejoice in our
children's tiniest
accomplishments. We have a deep understanding of
the cycle of life; we know
how precious a single breath can be.
Our children have taught us not to take a
single moment for granted.
We are wonderfully blessed to be parents of children
who are very, special in
many, many ways.
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