My Award

My Award


 And how it came about

There have been many times in my life when times were hard , times when I was blinded to the beautiful things by troubles and hardships. So over the years I have trained myself to look at things in a differnt look deeper and search for good. From this part of my thinking came my poem "The Old Rusty Bucket"
There has been such a tremendous response to that poem..I thought it would be nice to share  my "bucket" in giving it as an award. So if I find beauty, something
that is uplifting or brings a smile on your can have my award.


To apply for my award is simple,Just sign my guestbook, if you haven't done so and send me an e-mail with your url and put 'Award' in subject line. I will go and look at your page as soon as time allows.My award will only be given to pages that are suitable for viewing by all ages.

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To apply for my the award or any comments or suggestions..E-mail me from here:

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