Welcome to my new lil corner of the web...ya'll come on in...take your shoes off...grab a cup of coffee and make yourself at home...I hope you will see something here that will make you smile.
Angels Watching Over Me...
Here I am in all my Glory (smile) I �Am Sparrow
I Believe I can Fly...I believe I can reach the sky........All it takes is persistence and determination....
An Angel On My Shoulder
I have a little Angel..
My shoulder is his Throne.
I do not hold him hostage..
He stays there on his own.
In his eyes I see the heavens,
on his wings I see the stars.
Now he rest upon my shoulder,
like my appointed guard.
He whispers me brief secrets
about my Father and his home,
He whispers me my guesses
which I had hardly known.
He said,"your Father loves you,
as much as any Father can.
He's your Holy Father,
and I'm your holy man.
I came to you from Heaven
and your shoulder is my throne,
and pending word from Jesus,
I will bear you home."
This is my Niece, I am very proud of her and I should be, after all I helped rear her. She writes some beautiful poetry and I appreciate her letting me share this with you.
I hope you have enjoyed your visit and will want to come again. Have a nice day
and God Bless You.
Goodbye for Now...
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