Strawberry Lover's Personality Profile


Strawberry ConeStrawberries and Cream  Introvert, feels inadequate or overwhelmed with life's stresses, easily made to feel guilty, frequently irritable and cranky, pessimistic, low self esteem, views the glass "as half empty."  (Prototype:  Andy Rooney, the curmudgeon, bureaucrats, journalists, column writers, receptionist at the complaints and return department of retail stores.)* 

Does this fit you to a "T"?  Is it "totally unreal"?  Are you thinking about changing favorite ice cream?  Would you like to see what the other profiles say?  Targets this page, no reloading:

Double Chocolate Chunk
Banana Cream Pie
Chocolate Chip
Butter Pecan
 *This Profile is from study conducted by Dr. Alan Hirsch, Neurologist,
Chicago's Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation, as quoted by
ABCNEWS.COM, US section, April, 1998.
Vanilla Lover's Personality Profile

Vanilla ConeVanillaColorful, at times impulsive, likes to take risks, gregarious, tends to live a hectic life with an overly-filled schedule.  Easily suggestable, expressive, enjoys close relationship with others, idealistic, sets high goals, a private person, sets high expectations for oneself, most comfortable in a close secure relationship.  (Prototype, Lovelorn housewife, enjoys soap operas, romantic novels.) *

Does this fit you to a "T"?  I don't understand that "lovelorn" part.  You enjoy close relationships but are lovelorn?  Hmmm.  Are you thinking about changing favorite ice cream?  Would you like to see what the other profiles say?  Targets this page, no reloading:

Double Chocolate Chunk
Banana Cream Pie
Chocolate Chip
Butter Pecan
 *This Profile is from study conducted by Dr. Alan Hirsch, Neurologist,
Chicago's Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation, as quoted by
ABCNEWS.COM, US section, April, 1998.

Chocolate Lover's Personality Profile

Double Chocolate Chunk ConeDouble Chocolate Chunk  Likes to be the center of attention, lively, dramatic, charming, enthusiastic, outgoing, flirtatious, "the life of the party," creative, seductive, well dressed, theatrical, extrovert, sensitive, easily suggestible, easily influenced by others, overly trusting, a follower rather than a leader, intuitive and tends to play hunches rather than rely on logic, enjoys intimate relationships, easily absorbed into romantic fantasy, thrives in close relationships, craves novelty and becomes bored easily with usual routine.  (Prototype:  Actress, very feminine woman, macho man)*

Does this fit you to a "T"?  Is it "wrong, wrong, wrong"?  Are you thinking about changing favorite ice cream?  Would you like to see what the other profiles say?  Targets this page, no reloading:

Banana Cream Pie
Chocolate Chip
Butter Pecan
 *This Profile is from study conducted by Dr. Alan Hirsch, Neurologist,
Chicago's Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation, as quoted by
ABCNEWS.COM, US section, April, 1998.

Banana Cream Pie Lover's Personality Profile

Banana ConeThe Banana Cream Pie Profile:  Well adjusted, easy going, empathic.  (Prototype:  The perfect husband, wife, parent or child)*

So you are perfect!  Don't be so smug.  Perfection is over-rated if you have to eat banana-cream-pie ice cream when you coulda had chocolate!

Does this fit you to a "T"?  You must be a terrific person!  Is it not you?  Are you thinking about changing favorite ice cream?  Is perfection not your cup of tea?  Would you like to see the other profiles?  Targets this page, no reloading:

Chocolate Chip
Butter Pecan
*This Profile is from study conducted by Dr. Alan Hirsch, Neurologist,
Chicago's Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation, as quoted by
ABCNEWS.COM, US section, April, 1998. 
Chocolate Chip Lover's Personality Profile

Chocolate Chip ConeChocolate Chip  Generous, a visionary, competitive, a conqueror, accomplished, someone who is on the top, charming in social situations, enjoys being catered to, a go getter, ambitious, competent, intolerant of defeat, always a winner.  (Prototype:  Leaders of industry, Donald Trump, those voted most likely to succeed in school)*

Does this fit you to a "T"?  If so, you must be pretty nice.  Are you thinking about changing favorite ice cream?  Would you like to see what the other profiles say?  Targets this page, no reloading:

Double Chocolate Chunk
Banana Cream Pie
Butter Pecan
 *This Profile is from study conducted by Dr. Alan Hirsch, Neurologist,
Chicago's Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation, as quoted by
ABCNEWS.COM, US section, April, 1998.

Butter Pecan Lover's Personality Profile

Butter Pecan ConeButter Pecan  Orderly, perfectionist, never violates rules, when doing a task pays attention to the most trivial details, careful, has high standards of their own performance, a perfect worker, devoted to work, does not procrastinate or waste time, conscientious, moral, ethical, not wasteful, fiscally conservative, a planner, believes in "the principle of the thing," respectful, sexually reserved, serious, logical, intelligent, at times has difficulty expressing true feelings to others for fear of hurting their feelings, aggressively engages in sports, competitive, self-critical, with scruples, a take-charge person. (Prototype: executive secretary, accountant)*

When I read this, I figured there really must be something of truth in this because my husband's favorite ice cream was butter pecan, profile fit him to a "T", his chosen profession, C.P.A. 

Wow, they could tell this just by what ice cream you chose!  If your boss asks you out to dinner, don't order ice cream!

Does this fit you to a "T"?  Are you thinking about changing favorite ice cream?  Since the profile says that you don't "waste time," what are you doing here?   Would you like to see what the other profiles say?  Targets this page, no reloading:

Double Chocolate Chunk
Banana Cream Pie
Chocolate Chip
 *This Profile is from study conducted by Dr. Alan Hirsch, Neurologist,
Chicago's Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation, as quoted by
ABCNEWS.COM, US section, April, 1998.