All mail to P.O. Box 28, Rydal, Georgia 30171-0028 The Library is located at 500 Mt Pleasant Road NE. Fairmount, (BARTOW COUNTY) Ga. in the Pine Log Community

We are glad you stopped in for a vist to the BARTOW COUNTY GEORGIA WEB PAGE. We hope you will visit again soon.

When you visit our wonderful County there is so much to see and do. Be sure and stop by the Cartersville/Bartow County Visitors Center in the old Depot at the Rail Road Crossing and Main Street. Also be sure and visit their web site it is great.

If you need research in the Probate Office it is in the Frank Moore Administration Building (Not the Gold Dome Courthouse) as is the Deeds and Tax offices. Our Commissioner is Clarence Brown and he has a great staff, stick your head in the door and say Jean sent me. Or stop on the corner of Erwin and Cherokee and say hi to our Mayor. As you can tell our County is the BEST Bar none: Some telephone numbers that are useful. All prefix is (770)Bartow County Commissioner's office,387-5030 Probate Judge: 387-5075 Beavers Drive Senior Center: 387-5134 Zena Drive Senior Center: 387-5166 Tax Commissioner: 387-5111 Voter Registrar: 387-5098 Chamber of Commerce: 382-1466 Cartersville/Bartow County Convention & Visitors Bureau: 387-1357 Bartow County Genealogical Family Research Library: 606-0706-770-382-6676 Bartow County Public Library: 382-4203 FEDERAL CONTACT FOR

Sen. Saxby Chambliss 770-763-9090, Rep. John Linder,DC,202-225-4272

Rep. Phil Gingrey, DC. 202-225-2931 State Gov. Sonny Perdue, 404-656-1776

Sen. Preston Smith, pwsmith@legis.state.ga.us

Sen. Don Thomas, dthomas@legis.state.ga.us

Sen Chuck Clay, 770-422-1776 Rep> Jeff Lewis, 770-382-4411

Rep. Buddy Childers, embuddy@bellsouth.net

rep. Paul Smith, 706-232-1997 Rep. Bill Cummings, 770-684-3747

I adopted Bartow County as my home (born in Oklahoma) 25 years ago, I have that right as my great grandfather was full Cherokee and was taken from the Auroria Gold Fields in 1838 with his brother and forced by the white man to go west. He and Goeska escaped and fled into Ohio and changed their names, My grandmother was born in Ohio, where they fled too. So you see it is not where you are born, but what you do while living there.

My name is Jean Belew and I am one of many County Historians and a Genealogist for Bartow County Georgia. Cartersville is the county seat. I live in the Northeast section of the county and have knowledge of all the county. I appreciate your queries. My e-mail is belewjean@yahoo.com Thank you. Jean

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The Location of Bartow County.

Link to maps Map of Georgia 1895 Map of Bartow County 1895 Link to site with larger version of 1895 map of Georgia

Link to site with larger Bartow 1895 map.


The History of Bartow County

Cass County Georgia was created in 1832,from parts of Habersham and Hall Counties, at the time nine other counties were formed,being Cherokee, Cobb, Forsyth, Gilmer, Lumpkin, Murray, Paulding, Walker and Floyd.There were many inhabitants as early as 1800= The whites living amongst the Indians. Many Wills were written in some of these counties and probated in Cass County. The Legislative Act of 1832 formed Cass County from parts of the 21st, 22nd, and 23rd Districts of the Second Section and Districts 4th, 5th, 6th, 15th, 16th, and 17th of the Third section. The gold lots had 40 acres each and the others consisted of 160 acres each. The Gold lots were much sough after, Log cabin homes were built (with some still standing today) Camp grounds and Log Churches, Log Schools were established and the pioneers came.

After the burning of Cassville and the lose of the Court House many of the residents moved south to Cartersville where the new Brick Court House at a cost of $20,000.00 was finished in 1873 and was located on the W. & A. R.R., due to the noise of the trains, action was taken to build a new Court House. The building began in October 1901, and completed and dedicated in January, 1903. The present Administration Building (Court House) was dedicated in January 1993, just west of the 1903 Court House. No records are kept at the 1903 court house.

By an act of legislature in 1861, the name of the county was changed to Bartow, to honor Francis S. Bartow, born in Savannah in 1816, and died at Manassas, commanding the brigade consisting of the 7th, 8th, and 9th Georgia, and the 1st Kentucky Regiments.









NO. 1 - David Lewis estate of Joseph L Lewis deceased, application for letters of admin. You can receive a copy of this will by emailing belewjean@yahoo.com

NO.2 - John C McPelvy estate of James T Wright deceased, application for letters of admin.

NO 3 - Hartwell Luster and Rebecca McCrary, estate of Thomas B McCrary deceased, application for letters of admin.




NO. 1 - James T Kirkham, guardian for R R McNees orphans, application for letters of admissions from said guardionship.

NO.2 - Henry A Harper, estate of William G Harper, application for letters dismission from said admin.

NO. 3- Joseph Campbell, estate of James Robinson, application for letters dismission from said admin.

NO.4- Madison M. Douglas, estate of W T Douglas, deceased, application for letters dismission..

#1, Hosea Butler, estate of Nathaniel Tatum, deceased, application for ban to sell a part of the real estate of Nathaniel Tatum, deceased.


#1, MAY TERM 1845


John C McKelvey, estate of Jas T Wright deceased, application for leave to sell the real estate of said deceased.




#1., Davis Frick, estate of John Gimble , deceased, application for leave to sell real estate of said deceased.


SEPTEMBER TERM 1845 #1, Samuel A Rogers, estate of Georg MCKaskle, application for letters of admin.


#2. Thomas A Sullivan and George S Black, estate of Dr John W Blackwell, deceased, application for letters of Admin.


#3, Samuel Robertson, estate of Charles Martin late of Cass County, deceased, application to sell land and Negros.


#4, Richard Edmondson, and Susan Edmondson, estate of Michael S Edmondson, application for letters of Administration.


#5., Benjamin Laughridge, estate of William Laughridge, application for letters of admin.

#6, H S Bowman, estate of Vincent Bowman, deceased, application to sell real estate.




#1.Coleman Pitts, estate of Lee Hendricks, deceased, appliction for letters of admin.

#2, Eleanor Hendricks, estate of Lee Hendricks, deceased, application for letters of admin.

#3, R M Linn, estate of Garrison Linn, deceased, application for letters of Admin.



We invite you to become a member of the Pine Log Historical Society Our members will look up ancestors for you for the price of copies and postage. We are the original Pine Log Society and we do research the way that The Patriotic and Historical Societies do theirs with documents that can prove your lineage. Jean has proven her lineage back to Charlemagne and is a member of 23 patriotic organizations where she holds office in most all of them, both on the local, state and national Socities. If you want genealogy done right then call on the Pine Log Historical Society and Library to help you.

The Library is open at all hours, It is in a building next door to Jean Belew and thus can be open 24/7 just call and tell her you are in town and coming by.

The Next Meeting of the Society will be Saturday December (1) first, 2007. The meeting is open to the public. We meet at 500 Mt Pleasant Road NE at the Library. Come for OPEN HOUSE at 10 AM and take the rest of the day to go and do your Christmas shopping.

WORKSHOP, There will be a much asked for Workshop in Early spring of 2008. Stay tuned. Jean Belew will be speaking on some of the best ways to find those spouses of your ancestors and Linda Cochran will be leading a special group of Students age 8 to 14 on Beginning Genealogy. Jean will also be helping anyone out on becoming members of the United States Daughters of 1812, The Continental Society Daughters of Indian Wars.Other Teachers will also be leading this workshop. The workshop was a huge success and we are in hopes it will be much larger next year. For directions please call 770-382-6676.

You can reach the Cartersville newspaper www.daily-tribune.com

For the GEORGIA GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY Http://www.america.net/~ggs/index.html


Have a great week


The Bartow County Heritage Book

The Bartow County Georgia Heritage Book Vol. II is really selling well. There are also a few copies of Vol. I Heritage Book at the same price and can be ordered from BCGS, P.O. BOX 993, CARTERSVILLE, GA. 30120-0993 or picked up- at 9 So. Gilmer Street, Cartersville, GA. If you live in the North East section of Bartow County and would like to pick the book up at the Pine Log Historical Society. We do have a limited supply. The price of the Books are $50.00 postage and handling included. Make your check out to BCGS, The telephone number is 770-382-6676 If no one answers please leave message on machine. Someone will get back to you. These two books have a lot of Cass/Bartow County Histories in them.



All queries are free and they will also be entered in this web-site. Please also mail me your mailing address, some readers do not have e-mail.


Links to other sites on the Web

Cartersville, newspapers
Georgia Genweb Page
Georgia Vital Records
Cartersville Bartow Co. Visitors Bureau

Favorite Links


This is the Stiles-Akin Camp 670 SCV, Robert L. (Bob) Crowe-Commander and Mike Bryson-Adjutant, Bob Crowe email is garebel1@peoplepc.com and Mike's email is Bryson@wans.net

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