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~At Home With
Kentucky Lady 4~

early morning fog

The morning fog is fresh looking. I love morningtime!

Let's see, -- what can I say that tells you more
about me. I have been married to my husband 43 yr.
at present time. I was born in Kentucky, so am back
in my roots as of now. My husband was born in Indiana,
but spent most of his life living in Kentucky. I met
him as a scrawny little boy, and of course at the time
I did NOT like boys. As time passed though we did get
together, and my vow to never marry anyone from my
home town kinda 'flew out the window'!!!

When we got married, my parents gave us 'our honeymoon' at
Cumberland Falls, KY as our wedding gift. It was fantastic!!
A full week of no work or anything we 'had' to do. Just enjoy
our new married life. He did talk me into getting on a horse!
(This was something I had never done!!!) Yes, I know, I
am from Kentucky, but... I didn't like the thought of
being way up high on an animals back!!.. Well, I did
live, of course. BUT, I vowed if I ever got down off
that horse I would never get on another one!! The trail
that was led by a guide was very narrow, and it had
rained the previous night, so my horse (naturally) seemed
to keep sliding with his hooves and I just knew I was going
over that hill!! I didn't, and I did get off, and you know
since that day I still have not returned to get back on a
horse. Other than that though we had a glorious week!!

Now to a bit of the life in Kentucky:

I enjoy the morning sunrise and evening sunsets.

Ky Sunset
Sunset in my neck of the woods.

I love watching deer in my back yard, and rabbits hopping
around also. I love the hummingbirds that come each summer.
The Red Headed Woodpecker and Downy Woodpecker are both seen
all year long.


I loved having a vegetable garden in the summer,
and seemed I couldn't get enough flower beds.
We had the garden, plus pear trees, peach trees,
strawberry rows, seedless grapes, thornless blackberries
and all were a miracle to watch flower and produce.
(Now I am unable to do the physical work, but
some still comes back each year.. So beautiful!
And the memories I still have of them growing are
simply precious. I was thrilled to have that 'time'
in my life. It all was made possible by my Dad
helping me learn all the necessary facts of each
plant, and when to do what. He was a great teacher!!
I had lived in town all my life until we moved to
the country, about 15 years ago.

This is my Dad getting our garden area ready which he
loved to do. He passed away March 2002, but was such a
blessing while with us!! He loved gardening and being out
on his tractor when he was still able.

We moved to Illinois soon after we got married, and lived there
for several years, but now we are back home, and really love it.

Ky Hills
Fall is such a colorful season.

The scenery is beautiful with hills surrounding our
little valley. These you can see above. When fall begins,
the red, golden, orange and rust looking leaves look like
velvet on the hillside.

My parents have been our neighbors, and I couldn't pick
better neighbors. My mother passed away August 31, 2005,
and has joined Dad in Heaven. I cared for she and my Dad for
some time but my health took a turn, and we had to get
outside help. They were very good to she and Dad both!

We have four lovely children, three which are married, one
(3rd year of College this year) lives at home where she has
her computer set up for homework needed.
After my parents passed away, my oldest daughter took over the
house next door, and she with her family are wonderful neighbors
and we are nearly as my parents, and in need of help now and then.
We have 7 grandchildren, although in this photo two of them are
(All, of course, are the greatest!)

My Family
Our little family.
The two new grandsons since this photo;
Dakota Steven Lee born March 25, 2001 and
Nicholas Curtis, born July 22, 2003.

We have one cat, named Max. (I will have to find
a good picture of him. He likes to sleep during
the day, and play all night.

We also have two dogs, Baby (a Beagle/Basset Hound),
and Rascal (a Yorkshire Terrier) which keep us on
our toes.

My favorite hobby, at present, is the computer.
It has been quite an addition to my life. It
keeps many records for me, and then there is
the best part of it---THE WEB.. YAY!!
We all love the web- just anything you want
to know about is out there. A great tool for all.
Then, of course, trying to do web sites like
I am trying to do. It is fun, rewarding, and very
relaxing. I have met so many wonderful Christian
people, and each is a blessing God has sent to me!!

Once I got into making pages, which began by putting
on my grandmother's poems (Helen C Wallen poems), I
continued adding other sites and avenues of life,
even adding my poems, and now some of my friends
poems. What a joy it is to share the love of
Jesus with others, and read their wonderful poetry!

Yes, I love making pages, sharing God's love, whether
through my poetry, or that of other's awsome poems.


I have met a lot of wonderful Christian's online in
the last ten or eleven years, and still hear from many
of them. It is so wonderful to meet nice people all
over the world, and be able to communicate so easily.
It makes a big world seem smaller with friends from
all areas. I have also met many nice ladies and
gentlemen in web rings and Christian groups.

Also, with the web, it has brought our family closer
together. Each of my children away from home have
computers, and we can write back and forth. And my sister
also has a computer, and evenings find us talking back and
forth and catching up on daily events.

(Click on graphic to visit her site, but please come back.)
My sister and brother-in-law.
Both have their own computers, and love being online to check
sites, weather and email and read articles or just simply browse!
Their children also have computers at home, so they keep contact.

Hope you have enjoyed this little bit of information on my family
and myself.

God bless!!


My Home With God!
Helen C Wallen Poems
Resting In Him
Hymns For Him
Kentucky_Lady's Country Home