
Plain Old Me

O Lord
Here I am again
Just plain old me
Coming to You
As I've come a thousand times--
And this is what always happens:
Your response is immediate
You open Your arms unhesitatingly
You draw me to Yourself
You clasp me to Your Father-heart.
Then you reaffirm my position:
I'm a child of the King
And all that is Yours is mine.
When I begin my stammering account
Of gross unworthiness
Your gentle smile hushes me.
With endless patience
You remind me once more
That my value never determines Your love.
Rather, Your love determines my value.


My Home With God!
Resting In Him
Helen C Wallen Poems
Endangered Animals, Poems, Stories
Special Greetings For Friends
Selected Poems & Stories
For Virus update
Kentucky, My State

A special thanks to Danny Hahlbohm for allowing
me to use his art on my pages.
Copyright by Danny Hahlbohm. All rights reserved by the artist.
You may visit his site at: