Pray Any Time

Come at the morning hour;
Come, let us kneel and pray;
Prayer is the Christian pilgrim's staff
To walk with God all day.

At noon, beneath the Rock
Of Ages, rest and pray;
Sweet is the shelter from the sun
In weary heat of the day.

At evening, in thy home,
Around its altars, pray;
And finding there the house of God ,
With Heaven then close the day.

When midnight veils our eyes,
Oh, it is sweet to say,
I sleep, but my heart waketh, Lord,
With Thee to watch and pray.

James Montgomery

Angel praying

Sometimes I do not pray in words--
I take my heart in my own hands
And hold it up before the Lord.
I am so glad he understands.

Sometimes I do not pray in words,
My spirit bows before His feet,
And with His hands upon my head
We hold communion silent, sweet.

Sometimes I do not pray in words.
For I am tired and long for rest.
My weary heart finds all it needs
Upon the Saviour's gentle breast.

Martha Snell Nicholson

angel praying


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A special thanks to Danny Hahlbohm for allowing
me to use his art on my pages.
Copyright by Danny Hahlbohm. All rights reserved by the artist.
You may visit his site at: