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You know so much has happened in this world, and I am sure a
lot of us just don't realize the difference in the way we live.
We just gradually moved on with it. They call it 'Progress',
but families have moved farther apart, and morals have really
been affected greatly.

For instance, taking a walk in the park, sitting by a tree and
reading, or the big event - a picnic lunch. Oh, how I loved to go
on picnics, and Mom would put in newspaper, sandwiches in waxed
paper, pop, and sometimes chips. It was great, and we sat on the
newspaper so when we left there was nothing left to pack home, all
went in trash. They had small roadside picnic tables, and usually
a large drum for the garbage. One place in particular I remember
was by a little stream, and was simply beautiful. Like looking at
all of God's work in one scene.

~So very peaceful~ Yes, I do miss those days!!
...and at the time did not appreciate them as I should have,
although we did really look forward to them.

The guys used to sit and throw knives at trees, for 'target'
practice, and shoot marbles, and would go hunting or fishing
with Dad. And young men could be trusted with rifles or even
shotguns, and brought in meat for eating...

But then we did not have the shootings like today-
what has happened? Our laws have changed!! That is the
main change.!! I do not believe in beating a child, never!
..but God says to discipline in order to teach them.

Proverbs 22:6 says:
Train up a child in the way he should
go: and when he is old, he will not depart
from it.
Proverbs 13:24 says:
He that spareth his rod hateth his son:
but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes.

*The "rod" ('shebet' Heb.) represents
power and authority. *betimes*:seek early, early.

As children recognize love and learn obedience
from their parents they can better recognize
God's love and respond to His obedience. The
child should be dealth with tenderly and firmly
so he does understand the offense for which he
is being disciplined. God's word says we must
discipline firmly and with love to teach obedience
and respect to our children.

We can still teach our children even though the Bible
has been removed from our schools, by providing them
with a loving home, with discipline. Much has changed
though, even in the schools. Teachers used to 'look'
more like teachers, and had the authority to correct
children that misbehaved. No longer can the teachers
discipline as they did before, whether to actually
spank, or even use a ruler! And, in return from that
they lost their due respect as the elder.
The teachers also have also changed; in the way they
dress, and it is allowed. They may wear pants, or almost
any attire in the schoolroom now. Sometimes it is nearing
a disgrace how they do dress!! My personal belief is that
removing God from the school has done harm both to our
young people, and to the teachers at this time.

They are also protected at home from discipline, we have lost
our right to discipline due to we may cause physical, or
emotional damage. Well, I am proud to say I lived through
many 'switchings', and came out un-damaged!!! Never were
there 'beatings', but Mom sure could switch good.. and did
leave an impression of right and wrong!! But, she always said
she LOVED us.. That is why she taught us right from wrong!!!
Today it is like trying to teach obedience with our hands
held behind our backs.. and mouths shut, preventing
'emotional and mental' harm.

There was only my sister and I at home.. We would play ball
and jacks, jump rope, hop scotch, play with dolls, and play
dress up. This is what young girls did!! We got older and
played 'rock and roll' music and danced. We went to church
on Sunday morning, and read our bibles. In fact, Linda and I
played guitars and sang 'specials' at church when I was around
13-14 years old. We got into mischief, as all kids will do,
but nothing that would harm anyone. We had curfews we obeyed,
and parents we respected.

*Memory here* We used to call business phone numbers
and ask if they had Prince Albert in a can.. They would say
"Yes", and we said "Then let him out". This seems dumb to
today's kids, yes, but it was fun then.. Or "Is your refrigerator
running?", and of course then we would say they should catch
it. *S* Good memories of really harmless fun. Today there is
very little 'harmless fun'. Listen to the news, read the papers..
It is time for America to wake up to what is happening with
our children. And in most cases it is not really the child's
fault, but the law's of today, and parents losing authority in
the home, and teachers losing it at school.

Parents today all have to work to earn a living, so little time is
spent with the children, and in turn some nearly raise themselves.
There needs to be at least an hour or two devoted to family time..
They DO need this. And weekends should be 'family time'
and some togetherness...

Otherwise our next generation is lost in this life of no morals,
no love, and no God... Make Sunday church time and time to
learn Gods words!! They hold the answers.


And there is a final home, be it Heaven or Hell.
Where are you planning for you and your children to be?
It is never too late, until we are dead!!
Do serious thinking on your final future!!

OK, I will get off the soap box now and get on with the page!!!
A bit of the 'old times' can still be remembered by some. A
few of these were in the email shares, and some I have added.

Kentucky_Lady4 (Andrea)


Some of the things that come to mind as I was a child and
maybe you can recall some of them:

  All soft drinks came in bottles and you could get a deposit back.
  Cars had no air-conditioning or windshield wash.
  There was "free air" at all service stations.
  There were S&H green stamps.
  Music was on vinyl records 45 rpm and albums were 78 rpm.
  There was one light (red) on top of police cars.
  There was only AM radio.
  You could go and see a live Jan & Dean concert for $3.00.
  Gas was .26 a gal and ethel was way too high at .30.
  Typing Class was noisy.
  You only had GM, Ford and Chrysler making cars in the US.
  Most of the change in your pocket was pure silver.
  No one ever heard of Bankruptcy or Divorce.
  Football helmets came without face guards.
  The Network News was only 15 minutes long.
  Motor oil came in metal containers.
  Toothpaste came in metal tubes.
  The balcony at the movie theater had the best view.
  Cracker Jacks had a decent and unusual prize in it.
  Penny machines gave out candy or gum and with a charm.
....And they could be saved and traded for different collections.
  Comic books were the 'going thing'.
  The only sideburns you saw
....were on the pictures of dead presidents.
  Every one you knew had a Smallpox scar.
  You believed everything the Government said.
  Every house had a tall outside TV antennae.
  You could call a Doctor and he would come to your house
....(the same day)and the charge was about $5.00.
  Men put on a suit, they also put on a hat.
  Atomic War was a real everyday thought.
  Men carried metal lunch boxes to work.
  Blackjack chewing gum was a favorite.
  Kids liked candy cigarettes.
  Soda pop ice chests full of ice, and pop neatly in it.
....(with openers on the front usually)
  Soda shops with tableside jukeboxes were great.
  Television was just out and Howdy Doody and Kukla, Fran,
....and Ollie were popular.
  The metal ice trays with levers to pull to loosen ice.
  Drive-inn theaters were the 'going thing', and double
....feature movies were great.
  Wash tub wringers or washboards worked, and clothes
....lines outside.
  Swings and teeter-totters are still in, but how many
....remember the maypoles?



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