If you'd like to apply for one of these awards:
    Send me an e-mail with your url so I can visit you,
the name you want on the award (if you want it
personalized), and tell me which one you're
applying for. When I visit your site, I will check
for content (absolutely no porn, no profanity). It
should be for a good 'cause' and/or uplifting, and
not just all pictures, or links. If you sign my
guestbook, it will help also. :)

Award 1  angel1

Award 2  angel2

Award 3  angel3

Award 4  angel4

Award 5  cross

Award 6  sunset

Award 7  flowers

Award 8  angel5

Award 9 pink_angel

If you receive one, I would appreciate a link back to my site, if you would please.


My Home With God!
Resting In Him
Helen C Wallen Poems
Endangered Animals, Poems, Stories
Special Greetings For Friends
Poems, Stories
For Virus update
Kentucky, My State