Quilt Pieces and Quilting
for PSP 7
This is the piece that this tutorial will be making.
You must have a least a working knowledge of PSP in order to do this tutorial.
It is not hard, but will require stitching between layers, tools, and windows or patterns.
SAVE OFTEN in PSP format (you only need to save your template window that you will be working in, not all the pieces of material.)
You will need the following zip file which includes the template for the star quilt and the sher_quilt preset. Download the template into a file of your choice and the preset into your PSP preset folder.
STEP 1 -
Open all the material pieces that you may want to use. I suggest opening them all so you can see which colors work well together. After opening them all, make that window a little smaller (place your mouse over the corner and you can drag it to the center of that window so it becomes smaller). You will want to do this to each piece of material.
STEP 2 -
1- Make sure your template is the active window. Use SHIFT D to duplicate and then close the original window.
2- Open your layers pallet and make sure you have the Pattern layer highlighted. Use your magic wand to select the first upper hand left square. You will see the selection "ants" marching around it.
4- Now click on the piece of material that you would like to use for the outside squares. Go to EDIT, COPY.
5- Go back to your "template" window and make sure that material is highlighted in the layers pallet.
6- Go to EDIT, PASTE INTO SELECTION. NOTE: Don't do all the outer squares at once because it causes the material to look funny after pasting.
7- Highlight Pattern in layers window. Use the magic wand to selcet the upper right hand square, Go to selections, modify, expand 1, highlight Material in the layers pallet and then go to edit paste into selection. DO THIS for each of the other two outer squares, remembering to switch between the layers as you do it or your pattern will not look right when you do the top stitching.
This is what you now have, but with the material of your choice.
STEP 3 -
Using your magic wand, choose the upper triangle and follow the steps as before. Choose which material piece you will use now and go to EDIT, COPY. Go back to the template window and highlight PATTERN in the layer pallet. Use your magic wand and select the upper triangle.
Selections, modify, expand 1.
Highlight material in layer pallet. Go to EDIT, PASTE INTO SELECTION. Repeat for each outer triangle in the template. (4 of them) You won't have to do the COPY again until we move to the next area in the template.
Now mine looks like this.
STEP 4 -
You should by now have the gist of how this is done *S*. So, choose the piece of material that you want to use (edit, copy) then go back to your template window and pick on the the star open spots to start with. Follow the steps doing every other star piece as you go around the middle. Don't forget to switch between layers.
This is what mine looks like now.
STEP 5 -
Now... do the same thing again for the remaining star pieces using the material you have chosen. Don't forget to switch between layers and to expand the selection.
This is what mine looks like now.
STEP 6 -
Now time to do the center. Pick your piece and do the middle circle the same way you did all the rest of them.
This is what mine looks like now.
Quilting Your Square
1- Make sure you have pattern highlighted in the layer window.
2- Use your magic wand, settings at 0 tollerance, 0 feather, antialias UNchecked.
3- Touch a black area of the Pattern so that you have marching ants all over your quilt piece. You may want to zoom in a bit to make sure all have the marching ants.
4- Go to Selections, Invert (now all the material pieces are selected).
5- Highlight Material in the layer window.
6- Go to Effects, 3D, Inner Bevel and using the pull down window choose sher_quilt, click OK.
7- Go to Selections, Invert and then highlight the pattern layer in your layer pallete.
8- Use your Paint brush tool set to Round, size 130, hardness 0, Opacity 100, Step 25, Density 100. The brush is normal paintbrush.
9- Select a nice color for your foreground color that will contrast your quilt. (Make sure your 3rd and forth paint styles tools are set to null or off).
10- Draw your paint brush across your quilt until all of the black "stitching" is the color that you picked.
11- Go to Effects, Geometric, Wave and use these settings:
Horizontal displacement: Amplitude 2 Wavelength 5, Vertical Displacement: Amplitude 2 Wavelength 5. Click OK.
12- Use CTRL D on the keyboard to Deselect.
Now my quilt piece is done.
13- Go to Image, resize, and resize all layers to 150x150.
14- Go to layers, merge, merge visible.
15- Go to Effects, Sharpen, Sharpen more.
16- One that is done then you are done and ready to go to the next step. Putting your quilt together.
SAVE in psp format so you always have it ready for another quilt if you like.
Putting It All Together