
Children of Beulah Crystella McAferty and Clarence Emery Voss

1. May Harietta Voss, born11-25-1911. Died 2-2-99 in Olympia, WA. Married Leo Densel Norris.

2. Juanita Wanda Voss, born 7-9-1913 in Algona, WA. Died 11-24-92 in Olympia, WA. Had one child with James Morris Crier. She had another daughter, but we don't know who the father was. The daughter was named Barbara, and was put up for adoption in 1932 or 1933. Married Thomas Wadsworth. They had one child, Bruce Thomas Wadsworth, born 7-15-1936, died 1-19-1998 in Southland, TX. Bruce had two daughters by his first marriage, and another daughter from his last marriage.

3. Maysel Fernetta Voss, born 6-1-1917 in Tacoma, WA. Died 4-10-1936 in Portland, OR. She married a man by the last name of Weymeier.

4. Clarence Emery Voss, Jr., born 3-10-1915 in Algona, WA. Died 5-30-1971 in Wrangell, AK. Married Mary Louise Champion in 1944. Mary Louise was born 7-16-1922, and died 12-18-1992.

5. Beryl Lolita Voss, born 5-9-1919.


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