Welcome to Rissy's Kitchen
Hi there!  Thanks for dropping by.  You may wonder why I call this my kitchen, well, as you well know, when people drop by you usually end up sitting in the kitchen chatting over coffee. At least that is what happens at my house. 
One of my favorite pastimes is to try out new recipes either for my family or for dinner parties.  I especially like to find low-fat recipes that are fabulous!  Here are a few of my favorite recipes and some I have received from my net friends.  I will be adding more so check back here often!  If you are looking for a recipe for something, or a low fat substitute for a high fat ingredient, e-mail me and I'll do my best to find one for you.
Rissy's Kitchen
Appetizers, Salads & Soups
The Main Course
Side Dishes & Accompaniments
All The Rest
Recipe Links
Kid's Recipe Page My own collection of recipes for kids!
The Lipton Kitchens recipes using the soup mixes as the seasoning
Mini M&M's Baking Page for the sweet tooth
The Food Network it is always on the TV in my house
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