This page is brought to you by Sherry Miller, all data entry and time spent on this project has been done free of charge.. in order to assist other LaMunyon/LeMunyon/Lamunion researchers in their quest for information leading to their ancestors. As always ... please verify your facts with documentation, and try to be accurate when submitting pedigree charts and gedcoms to the different search engines. It is really hard to find someone in some one else's documentation if they have changed the spelling of the surname to suit their needs.. or if they change the date of birth or death to suit their needs. However.. some people do this.. so we must verify everything!
In my quest for my Lamunions I have aquired a lot of data on other LaMunyon's (I use this spelling because most likely this is the original Americanized spelling). I am actually looking for information regarding the following:
Edith Mae Lamunion b. 06 OCT 1902 d. 08 JAN 1941 Stonefort, Saline County, Stonefort Twnshp, IL buried in Little Saline Cemetary, Stonefort Twnshp, IL (Saline County, IL Cemetaries 977.399 V3m Vol. 6-7 Page 100) m. William Thomas Fait Turberville (or a soundex of this surname) date and place are unknow for marriage) b. 03 OCT 1901 Piggott, Clay County, AR d. ?? in Delaware County, OH, buried in Greenlawn Cemetary, Columbus, Franklin County, OH. Had issue:
Lola, Elvin, Velma, William, Dodo (Delois), Alberta Maxine, Dolly, Donal.
Family Information
Edith Mae died due to complications from child birth when having Donal along with many other medical problems. William married Halga Hughes after Edith's death and moved to Gahanna, Franklin County, OH. Later he and Halga moved to Portsmouth, unknown county, OH. Halga died in Columbus, Franklin County, OH and is buried in Greenlawn Cemetary, Columbus, Franklin County, OH.
Edith's father's name was James E. Lamunion, and her mother was Mahulda Mitchell.
All of Edith and William's children are living, except Velma and Maxine. I know Velma is also buried in Greenlawn Cemetary, Franklin County, OH along with her husband Carl (Karl) Shaw. Maxine is buried in a cemetery on Rt. 23, south of Columbus, OH. Maxine had married Rev. Daniel Parker (also deceased).
Edith (Lamunion) and William T. F. Turberville lived in Malden, New Madrid County, MO for many years. My father, William E. Turberville, was born there, and I believe many of the other children were as well. All of Edith and William's children had issue, except Donal.
Edith Lamunion had at least one sister, Ruthie Lamunion m. Frank Wyman resided and died in Dexter, unknown county, MO. They had issue:
Juanita, Reba, Freda, a couple of sets of twins, number of children is unknown.
Edith and Ruthie are said to have had many brothers, none of their names are known at this time.
James Lamunion's Father was Horace Lamunion, and his mother was Samantha Farthing. I am looking for information on who their parents were.
Mahalda Mitchell's parents were Jesse Mitchell and Charlotte Reynolds. At one time Charlotte's mother was a Troublefield. Need information regarding her relationship to the Troublefields.
I am also looking for infomation regarding James Troublefield, he was supposedly married to a Mitchell at one time.
Another person I need information about is Leona Cullum. Her headstone says her last name is Turberville. What is her relationship to Edith Lamunion?
for further information email: Sherry Miller
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