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Bashful's Page

Welcome to my humble home on the Web. This page is dedicated to cats and cat health problems. It is especially for my two cats -Missy and Bashful. I am always updating, changing, and adding things, so please stop back by.

Bashful's Page was designed to help you locate cat care information on the web and to provide you with some personal insight on how I dealt with the problems that my cats had when I first got them. Before you leave please sign my Guest book and let me know what you think. This page contains the following information:

My Personal Information
Bashful and Missy's Story
Pesky Ringworm updated
Other Parasites Including flea, intestinal worms, and ear mites.
Bashful's House by Sue from Acme Pet
Smart Kitties
Baby Book
Cat Links updated
Page Building Links
Awards My proud moments!
My Guest book

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SafeSurf Rated All Ages

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Since January 8, 1997

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