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Here is a peom I wrote a few days after Destiny passed away.

God answers prayers
The day she was born She opened her eyes and cried
I thanked God and asked if I could keep her.
I thought He answered, yes.
When they took her away
And hooked her to all the plugs and probes
She looked so small and helpless
I asked God, can I keep her
I thought He answered, yes.
We brought her home and watched her grow
And saw her beautiful smile
I looked down at my soundly sleeping baby
And asked God if I could keep her
I thought he answered, yes.
At the hospital agian we were all so scared
To see her tiny tattered body swelled and hooked to tubes, agian
I asked, please God let me keep her
I thought He answered, yes.
Home agian and one morning
There was only shallow breath
And a call to 911
I looked at her bluing face
And I asked God, Please let me keep her
But, He quietly whispered, no.
by Lisa Barney
Here is a poem we had read at Destiny's funeral
To All Parents

I lend you for a little time

A child of mine,God said,

For you to love the while she lives

And mourn for when she is dead.

It may be 6 or 7 yrs. or 22 or 23

But will you, til I call her back

Take care of her for me.

She'll bring her charms to gladden you

And shall her stay be brief

You'll have her lovely memories

As solice for your grief.

I can not promise she will stay

Since all from earth return

But, there are lessons taught down there

I want this child to learn.

I've looked in the wide world over

In my search for teachers true

And from the throngs that crowd lifes lanes

I have selected you.

Now will you give her all your love

Not think the labor vain

Nor hate me when I come

To take her back again.

I fancied that I heard them say

Dear lord thy will be done

For all the joy the child shall bring

The risk of grief will run.

We'll shelter her with tenderness

We'll love her while we may

And for all the happiness we've known

Forever grateful stay.

But, shall the angels call her

Much sooner than we've planned

We'll brave the bitter grief that comes

And surly understand.

author Edgar A. Guest

The Music on this page is "Brush with Destiny"

It is an orignal Song by Songlion.

It is copyrighted by Meave and May Productions

and was composed in memory of Destiny, as a gift to her mom.

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The background was created by Lisa Barney please do not use it any where else.

The bars were also created by Lisa Barney, do not use without permission.

Destiny's Page has been honored with these awards.

This beautiful gift was given to Destiny by Absinth