Once upon a time, there was a quaint little
place in the middle of nowhere.
This quaint little place was a quiet little
place where no one ever thought bad
things, or did bad things. Everyone was
VERY happy there.
See? Debbie is happy.....
Mary is happy.....
Julia is happy.....
Junior is happy, too....
Everybody is happy.....
Well...almost everybody.....
You see, Carrla just knows that something
bad will happen
and then no one will be that happy for awhile.
(There's ALWAYS one in EVERY crowd.)
And just how does she know these
Carrla has these dreams where a shopping
cart chases
her into an ice cream freezer, then blocks
the doorway
so that she can't get out.
Everytime she has one of these dreams, something
bad happens. And guess what? YEP!
She has had one of those dreams again.
Scarey, huh?
But, what bad thing could possibly happen?
This is a HAPPY place!
I mean, look at Melanie and Wendy. Both of
are happy. See?
So is Gemma.
Kathleen runs by and says, "I'm happy, too!"
Yes, Kathleen, we know.
Scott is so happy, he's blurred and blushing!
Poor Scott!
Meanwhile, Debbie has discovered that something
just not right. Two whole shelves of merchandise
have disappeared! She points this out to
Frank, and
begins making a list of the missing merchandise
an empty shelf as a desk.
Debbie: "I just don't understand it.
The stuff was here just
a minute ago!"
Frank, pointing at himself: "Well,
don't look at ME. I thought my
entrance into this story would never
Poor Frank!
Debbie informs Scott of the missing merchandise.
Scott: "Well, don't tell anyone else.
Keep it a secret.
We wanna get to the bottom of this mystery
advertising it."
Nabil reads in the newspaper: "'MERCHANDISE
details on page 6.' WOW! That is news!
Two whole shelves, too! Hmmmm..."
(So much for secrecy....)
Julia has called the police in between the
inquiring phone calls from the public.
In steps Joe from the police, who is in disguise
as a Miami tourist who is lost. After being
of the two empty shelves, Joe makes a rather
startling statement: "That's not all
that's missing.
Have you checked your warehouse lately?"
Sure enough, the merchandise in the warehouse
has also disappeared! Joe is very proud
of himself
for making this discovery.
Carrla: "I told ya something
bad was gonna happen!"
Yes, Carrla, we know you did.
Joe has a plan.....
Joe: "I have a plan. I need an undercover
Kathleen, you're it."
Kathleen: "Oh goodie! See? I can hide
behind stuff
and peek around!"
As Kathleen tip-toes around looking for clues,
a lady
needs her assistance.
Lady: "Are you sure these big Cadbury
bars are fresh?"
Kathleen: "Yes ma'am, I believe they
Lady: "OH! By the way, I wanted some
triple chocolate
nougat filled Brazilnuts but you don't seem
to have any.
In fact, the merchandise on this entire
shelf is missing!
When do you expect some in?"
Kathleen: "The shelf is EMPTY??? Get
outta the way
and let me investigate this!"
Lady: "WELL! I NEVER!"
Kathleen sees that indeed the shelf is empty.
She realizes
that some spying is needed.
Kathleen begins "Operation Peek-A-Boo". She
to be straightening a shelf. But she is
really watching for
any suspicious behavior in either human
or object. There is
a microphone hidden in the feather duster.
She reports to Joe through it: "Hi,
Joe. Guess who? Hehehehe...."
Joe: "Kathleen, what progress have
you made?"
Kathleen: "How did you know it was
Joe: "Just a wild guess."
Kathleen: "Well, I don't think anyone
is on to me yet. And so far,
all the remaining merchandise is still here,
except for this shelf.
OOOPS! I guess I missed THIS shelf. Hehehehe..."
Joe: "Uh,...well do the best you can."
Kathleen: "Okay Joe."
Suddenly, Kathleen hears a strange noise.
She peeks around
the corner....
.....and catches GEMMA in the act of cleaning
off another shelf!
Gemma: "Oooops! I'm found out...."
I don't think Gemma is happy at all.
Frank: "I knew it was Gemma all along."
Debbie in the background: "Yeah...right,
As Gemma is taken away, we can hear Debbie
"HEY! Close the door! You born in a barn
or something???"
It is now time to celebrate Kathleen solving
the mystery.
Debbie: "Bottoms up!"
Frank waves good-bye to Gemma.....
Mary waves good-bye to Gemma....
And Kathleen waves good-bye to Gemma.
Kathleen: "Notice how full the shelves
are NOW?"
Kathleen: "I'm SO proud of myself.
But I have to go to
the restroom now."
Yes Kathleen, you deserve the "break".
Happiness has been restored to this quaint
little quiet
See? Tracy and Nabil are happy.
Tracy: "The next time someone tries
to muscle in,
I'll give 'em what for."
Nabil: "Cool it, Tracy. You're embarrassing
me, and this
whole thing has disrupted my nap time."
Melanie and Sue are happy.
Grace is happy.
Joe and Carrla are happy.
Joe: "This is sure to mean a promotion
for me..."
Carrla: "You sure you're a cop?"
Yes, everything is back to normal at the
quaint little place in the middle of nowhere.....
But wait.......
Something unusual is lurking off in the distance.....
OH NO! It's too terrible....
What possibly could happen to a nice
face like this?
The dreaded "Beaver Syndrome"!!!
I hope no one else in this happy place catches it!
Guess what, Everybody! SUE decided to have a site of her own! Whadaya know about THAT? I guess she was jealous of her alter-ego (ME).....! Anyway its called CAUGHT IN THE NET
and its kind of an autobiographical account of her life on the Internet. You will be able to read how she met some of her buddies on the Internet (some were guests HERE!). So please be sure to visit!