dedicated to Taylor Cottingham
April 27, 1995 - June 23, 1997

When baby Taylor was just a month and a half short of being 2 years old she was diagnosed with AMOL leukemia. AMOL is a fast acting type of cancer so the treatment was very aggressive. From March 17, 1997 to June 10, 1997 she underwent chemo, radiation therapy and a bone marrow transplant. As a close friend of the family as well as the mother of a two year old Taylor of my own I held my breath and prayed that she would get well. I couldn't "kiss it and make it all better" but I had to do something. A web page for Taylor was thus born. Literally thousands of people came to know and to love little Taylor McKenzie Cottingham. That love that we shared for this precious angel crossed so many boundaries. State lines, oceans, skin color, religious backgrounds...none of our "differences" seemed to matter anymore. The important thing that we shared was love and hope. We all prayed for a miracle and we got several...Taylor and each other. A cure for her leukemia was a miracle that we prayed for too... but instead we received the miracle of peace for our little angel as the Lord closed His book on her little life on June 23, 1997. She will never again know the pain of needles, tubes, ventilators, surgery or side effects from the cancer killing drugs. She now will only know the complete peace and love that can only be found in Heaven.
Taylor's angel, like Missy's candle, became a symbol of love and of hope for us all. It will remain on my site as long as there is a Jones' Zone in loving memory of one of Heaven's own angels.

Together Again

A limb has fallen from the family tree,
I keep hearing a voice that says,
"Grieve not for me."
Remember the best times, the laughter, the song,
The good life I lived while I was strong.
Continue traditions, no matter how small,
Go on with your lives, don't just stare at the wall.
I miss you all dearly, so keep up your chin,
Until the day comes, and we're all
Together Again.


Fly, fly little wing
Fly beyond imagining
The softest cloud, the whitest dove
Upon the wind of Heaven's love
Past the planets and the stars
Leave this lonely world of ours
Escape the sorrow and the pain
And fly again.

Fly, fly precious one
Your endless journey has begun
Take your gentle happiness
Far too beautiful for this
Cross over to the other shore
There is peace forevermore
But hold this mem'ry bittersweet
Until we meet

Fly, fly do not fear
Don't waste a breath, don't shed a tear
Your heart is pure, your soul is free
Be on your way, don't wait for me
Above the universe you'll climb
On beyond the hands of time
The moon will rise, the sun will set
But I won't forget

Fly, fly little wing
Fly where only angels sing
Fly away, the time is right
Go now, find the light

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Taylor's Angel
Taylor's Angels

Angels Among Us
Azalea's Page
The Donnell House
The Edmonds Family
The Farbsite
Forever Searching
Garden of Memories
The Gilberts Family Tree
God and Family, Pets and Kids
Jennifer's Tribute Page
JoEllen's Angel Page
Junior & Sherry's Place
Kaligirl's Homepage
Kim's Cancer Links
The Lake House
Lara's Home Page
Lynda's Home on the Web
Minnie's Angels
Miriam's World
Portrait of an Angel
Sarah's Home Page
Special Dedications
Touched by Angels
WebMom's House
WindWalker's Home Page
The Wishing Well

If I have missed any of Taylor's angels please forgive me. This has been a hard page for me to create. I will be honored to add anyone's page that keeps the love alive by displaying her angel...just drop me a line.

Wind Beneath My Wings

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