Books Used For Research on the Farthing Surname

Below are the books that are known to have Farthing Family information in them. We do not sell these books, but would like to make other researchers aware of the books that do exist. Whether or not you choose to purchase them is a decision you must make.


Bryn Ffyliaid Publications

300 Lake Marina Drive, 16B

New Orleans, LA 70124-1679

telephone 504-288-7956

The author, June Banks Evans published SETTLERS ALONG THE SHORES OF VIRGINIA'S YORK RIVER, copyrighted 1989 ISBN 0-9611114-6-1 in an effort to identify the BANKS, FARTHING, KNEWSTEP, PHILBATES, RICHARDSON familes and their neighbors. There are several descendant charts that were contributed by various researchers in addition to her invaluable research of the Tidewater Virginia region. The book costs $33.50 ppd.

This is the rest of the list, I need more info regarding authors, price, where to order from, publishers, ect.. if you can help please let me know.

Book #1- "The History of Pittsylvania County Virginia" by Maud Carter Clement, Regional Publishing Co., Baltimore, 1929,'73,'76,'81. Library of Congress Catalouge Card Number 72-10443. International Standard Book Number 0-8063-7989-8

Book#2- "settlers on the shore..." I have all the info on.

Book#3- "The History of Marion & Clinton Counties, Illinois" There are no copies available of this book.

Book#4- "History of Wautaga County" by A.C. Mast-

Book#5- "Settlers Along the James River"-

Book#6- "Settlers along the Tennessee Plains"-

More book names will be added soon, I hope!

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