The Hub of the Snavely Ring

This is the Hub of the Snavely Web Ring. This is a Ring for web pages of people who are in some way connected to the surname SNAVELY (or any of its variants). Many of these pages will contain genealogical information as we work to build the family tree dating back to emigration from Switzerland to America in the 1700's.

The Hub

While a webring is something akin to a wheel, where you can move from one spot to the next all around the wheel (or ring) until you return from whence you started, the idea of the hub is a site which contains links to all of the sites on the ring. From here you can navigate directly to any of the sites.

Ring Members:


If you have comments or suggestions, email me

Snavely Ring
Snavely Ring

This is the HUB of the Snavely Ring
Link to other home pages of SNAVELYs on the Ring. 
This site is owned by Bill Snavely of Oxford, Ohio. 
Want to join the ring? Get the information.

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